I have seen some horoscope type FB lists recently that are at best - TopicsExpress


I have seen some horoscope type FB lists recently that are at best misleading. So here is a zodiac guide for all you enthusiast who want to know about yourselves. Aries Your an idiot. You think everyone thinks like you. You do stuff without thinking about it and you get all airiated. Taurus Your an idiot. Talk about stubborn. You plod along until someone winds you up and you get all steamed and stressed. Slow to anger maybe but boy can you hold a grudge. Gemini You’re an idiot. Your superficial attention span might make you a great multi-tasker but you never understand why your flippant comments make deeper thinking people mad. Cancer You’re an idiot. Your whole being is so deep into your subconscious emotional state that you forget to lighten up. So protective, nagging and fussing. Leo You’re an idiot. You never know when to swallow your pride and admit that you could have been wrong. You’re fiercely possessive of what you think is yours and your inflated ego demands pampering. Virgo You’re an idiot. Talk about critical and nit picking. You analyse and pull everything and everyone to pieces. You fuss over the tiniest thing and quietly annoy everyone. Libra You’re an idiot. Your vain self imagery is legendary and you can be so indecisive as to try the patience of a saint. You can be so self centred that you become high maintenance to those who just want you to stop dithering and just get on with it. Scorpio You’re an idiot. If you had your nose any deeper in the cesspool of life you wouldn’t remember what air was for. You can be jealous, mean and vindictive. Acid would cower from your vicious nature. Sagittarius You’re an idiot. Self opinionated bigotry. You have the tact of a skunk in an elevator on a warm day. You are faddish, inconsistent unaware how spiteful you can be. Capricorn You’re an idiot. You dig your heels in and determine that your way is the only way to go. Your pessimism is the stuff of legend and your sense of humour is on vacation. Aquarius You’re an idiot. Your stubbornness obliterates all other possible avenues. You shut people out as much as you shut yourself away. And talk about extreme; Middle ground is like a no go area for you. Pisces You’re an idiot. The victim of the zodiac you let your emotions sweep you away into some histrionic universe. If the world ever came to an end it would be in your sign. Trying to escape in fantasy or denial nothing is ever good enough. Conclusion People like to read about themselves but only if it conforms to their perception of what they want to hear. Astrology, or any other esoteric discipline for that matter, cannot tell you what you are. Only you can decide what you want to be. Astrology can offer you potential energies of both good and bad traits but unless you work on developing yourself into the best that you can be, they are just words. Astrology is not a passive medium. Imagine the potential of a hammer. Unless you pick it up and hit something with it, it is just a useless lump of metal shaped like a hammer. It can help to build things or destroy things according to the will of the user. You are no different. If you sit back and expect life to tell you what to do, you will be as influential as an unused hammer. If you really want to unleash your potential you have to understand your personal chart. It is a blueprint that you can use to empower your abilities. But whatever abilities you do have, it will amount to nothing unless you put in the effort to bring that potential into physical reality; some of those who enjoy power and influence rely on your passivity to keep you poor while they grow rich on your lack of self developmental effort. So please don’t pick up a daily horoscope and expect it to guide your life. That kind of life is only for idiots.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:47:58 +0000

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