I have something that has been weighing heavily on my heart and I - TopicsExpress


I have something that has been weighing heavily on my heart and I feel I need to say it. There are a lot of folks that call themselves a part of a motorcycle ministry and you see them at events with other motorcycle ministries, and they all get together with the other motorcycle ministries, and they ride down and meet up with other motorcycle ministries, and they will ride halfway across the state to do something that involves another motorcycle ministry. and when there is something happening that involves a motorcycle group, organization or association, there are very few of the ministries that show up and show the Love that Jesus showed to the lost. When the lost bikers get together and have an event at the Harley Dealership or other venue, and the so-called motorcycle ministries dont show up, then the so-called motorcycle ministries are giving the lost bikers the proverbial bird. I recently had a non-Christian motorcycle family lose a loved one. The motorcycle ministry that showed up was the one I was a part of. and I was told point blank, all these other ministry groups that they have supported through the years, will never get their support again. They are done with them. I recently went to an event in Greensboro that was an event that was posted on the front page of the popular biker news magazine. It was hosted by a radio station out of Charlotte, and and sponsored by one of the widely known biker lawyers. It recognized bikers that help out in the biker community and gives awards to the charity of their choice. As I looked through the crowd, I saw one couple that had a biker church shirt on and a lady that had Jesus Saves on her vest next to her riding group patch, and it was only me and the small group from our CMA chapter that were proudly wearing a ministry back patch. So in saying all that I would like you to consider if your motorcycle group is a ministry, or are you just another clique of so-called Christians that want to hang out with other Christians? Are you willing to put yourself smack in the middle of where the bikers are that really need to hear about the love of Jesus Christ, or will you continue to stay in your little Holy Huddles and keep going to your Ministry meeting and working on getting all the ministries to work together. I think its great to work together with other ministries, but where are you on Bike night? Its great to say we have X amount of members but where are you when a secular biker needs a hand up. If motorcycle ministries are going to be effective in fulfilling the great commission and taking the gospel of Jesus Christ in to all the world, then we need to get out of our comfort zone and take the gospel to the places that religious people wont dare be seen. What say you?!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:14:30 +0000

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