I have this debate often with friends and colleagues. I would like - TopicsExpress


I have this debate often with friends and colleagues. I would like to weigh in by telling you about my children. One child I could alway just tell her what to do and she will obediently do as requested. She has always accepted my authority, even when its questionable. I often have to fess up when I do something stupid so she understands that I am fallible. That basically just because I am older or wield more power, (so to speak), doesnt make me wiser all the time. To make her question and consider peoples actions. But in this instance I want to focus on my youngest. My other child requires a little more manipulation. She doesnt suffer fools gladly, and frankly couldnt care less about my authority, that is over her own will. She requires a bit more convincing or at least it all has to sound reasonable to her reasoning. So if I want her to do as I say, I have to consider how its presented, and give her choices so as to show that she is in control. An example of this would be if I want her to wear rain boots instead of pink slippers because its raining. She is six, she may have committed herself to wearing slippers, because she wearing a new dress she just got for her birthday. She will refuse to wear the boots! No matter how logical the argument is about getting wet. She doesnt mind getting wet. (She is six) What I came to realise is that If i present her with a choice of boots versus slippers she will inevitably pick the slippers, if that is what she wants to wear. So I begin by removing the option of the slippers, instead i present her with two pairs of boots one blue, one purple lets say. Then when I ask her which she would like to wear she is completely distracted by the choice presented to her, that she doesnt see that she is not being presented with a choice at all. There by I get her to wear a pair of boots, and at the same time she feels she has exercised her own will in the matter. VOTING FOR ME IS LIKE THAT :-) Johnny Rotten....wtf
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:40:21 +0000

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