I have to agree with Mrs. Kelly; I thought that excommunication - TopicsExpress


I have to agree with Mrs. Kelly; I thought that excommunication was reserved for significant offenses, not for questioning policy and doctrine. What concerns me is that the Church has a history of convenient changes in doctrine and policy when the pressure from the members and outside influences becomes too great, such as Black members holding the priesthood and the now banned institution of polygamy. The Church has changed conveniently with the times in those cases, why not this one? When is God going to change his mind in this case? I apologize if this seems irreverent to anyone viewing this; no offense is intended. However, these are questions that, as a man who grew up in the Church, I believe have merit. Blind faith simply isnt and has never been enough for me and the Church loses credibility in my eyes when they simply excommunicate members that question or disagree. :/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:43:17 +0000

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