I have to pass on to you that I havent laughed so hard as when I - TopicsExpress


I have to pass on to you that I havent laughed so hard as when I did this morning listening to Goldy and Jim discussing Obamacare. Goldy tried so very hard to rehabilitate everybodys perception of that abomination known as Obamacare and Jim just calmly and succinctly used facts and logic to completely destroy every effort by Goldy. It was truly amazing the deftness and skill shown by Jim. And how do we all know that Jim prevailed so dramatically? Why it was when Goldy signaled his incapability to keep up with Jim by sliding into that age old tired liberal tactic of ad hominem. Specifically calling into question Jims compassion with inferences that Jims positions on the matter was not like him. Ad Hominem (ad HAH-mi-nem): A red herring argumentative fallacy designed to take the discourse off topic. “To attack the man”. In the world of public discourse, ad hominem is a means of attacking one’s rhetorical opponent by questioning his or her reputation or expertise rather than sticking to the issue at hand. Translation: Radio/Facebook trolls and liberals are really good at it. People who resort to ad hominem techniques are usually derided as having a diluted argument or an emotionally immature lack of discipline. If pressed, they’ll brandish it like a saber and refuse to get back to the heart of the matter. When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser ~Socrates Jim wisely kept his composure and let the facts and logic he passed on to all of us over the radio speak for itself. I suspect that Jim knows that Truth is like a lion, once released it can take care of itself. The sheer desperation in Goldys voice was pure comic relief. I can assure you Mr. Cooke that you carried the day and many listeners think that you must have driven a school bus at one time because Goldy wound up appearing very....well.....schooled. Stunningly well played Mr. Cooke, very well played.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:23:22 +0000

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