I have to share this inspirational speech that was written by a 14 - TopicsExpress


I have to share this inspirational speech that was written by a 14 yr old who happens to be my best friends daughter who is also khans godmother .. She won speech of the year award.. Truly inspirational..well done! Born to Run.... 94 year old, former South African president Nelson Mandela once said, “By ancestry, I was born to rule.” Even today he is respected, looked up to and his words hold great value for the public. Nelson Mandela was a part of the transition from apartheid to the new democratic South Africa. We could be born to worship, born to dream, born to achieve, born to fail, born to run and be born to do so much more. We all have different purposes in this world, but two familiar with all of us is to live and die. Being born to run could be literally, born to run as an athlete, it could mean born to run a country, it could even mean born to run away as a prisoner, to reunite with the freedom you use to cherish. Born means being brought into existence, as some of us, were born to be what we are today. However, run could mean more than the word itself. You can even run for election, you can run a mile, you can run an industry, and your nose could even run. We should all be equal in humanity, the pigment of our skin shouldn’t matter, our nationality or gender shouldn’t matter, and we should all have our rights to run after our dreams. At the end of the day, we are all someone’s children. So Prophet Muhammad was born to run too, he was born to run a nation. He is still remembered and mentioned as the greatest role model in Islam. When our prophet was ascended into the skies to meet our Lord, he had a choice, a choice of staying up in the heavens if he willed. Despite the fact that our Prophet saw the levels of both, Heaven and Hell, he chose to come back to Earth. Do we ever think of our Prophet in our day to day lives and wonder why he made this decision? If it was for us, I think we would have stayed in the heavens because this world is way too hard for us. But then again, regardless of the condition of our Prophet’s life and hard times he will face, our Prophet came back down for our religion. He continued to run a nation and continued, to the spread the message of our Lord. Being born to run, being born to achieve, being born to dream and being born to fail and get back up could be the moral of our lives, but our biggest responsibility, should be making ourselves better people, better believers. Nowadays, we all say, “This generation is messed up.” However, we are this generation, and in order to change this generation, and in order to stop it from getting worse, we need to change ourselves. Now you’re thinking, “One person is going to make a change in this generation, I don’t think so,” in reply to that I’ll say, then how did our prophet change people and a whole nation? Malcolm X is another example of being born with a purpose. This famous African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist was born to run against racism, up until he was violently stopped at the end of the road. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history. So Malcolm X, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, knew what troubles he had to associate with by defending the rights of black people, but still strived till the end, because that’s what he was born to do. His courage and bravery is the cause for his assassination and his struggle and commitment for his race, paid off brutally. But, this proves that he was born to be live, born to convert to Islam, born to RUN against racism, and born to die fiercely. Why were people being killed for trying to make a difference? Why were people being killed for chasing their dreams? Another activist who was also the leader of African-American Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, was also assassinated. Martin Luther King fought for equality in a way that no one had before, and led a generation into freedom. The message King tried to send out was to make people see that no matter what the colour of your skin is, everyone has every right to be treated equally and should have the same opportunities as each other. If he hadn’t of spoken out for the equality he believed in, the world wouldn’t be as we see it today. He changed the world with his belief and courage, despite the consequences in his time. His legacy is still, proudly remembered 45 years later. After his death, people eventually felt the importance of his cause. The world realized that this man died for something he believed in, something that was important for others to believe in as well. Martin Luther King put his life out there; he was born to run for people’s rights and he was born to run against racism. “You must be the change you wish to see in this world”, was said by Mahatma Gandhi, a famous and successful Indian leader. Gandhi led India to independence and inspired actions for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world. Since Gandhi didn’t like violence, he used remarkable strategies to bring people independence. Mahatma was born to run for people’s rights, as much as the other activists were. Successfully, Gandhi proved that independence could be bought without fighting, arguing, and without firing a single bullet. He made movement in the world, by giving freedom to India. Even today, Gandhi is also listed as one of the most influential activists, in history. For today, and the future, all these men put their lives out there for what they believed in. Besides our prophet (peace be upon him), all these great people were assassinated. They were born to run for everybody’s independence and freedom, and as a result, today they are known as some of the greatest activists. Last but not least, myself. I believe I was born to run in the tennis world, and I’m working for it today, tomorrow, and the months to come. In the sporting world, I don’t see myself doing any other sport; I think this is clearly, what I was born to do. So people CAN be born to run for ANYTHING, have you ever thought of what YOU were born to do? We all have a purpose in this world, and what’s important is that we value it. From what I’ve learnt last year, NOTHING could stop you from doing what YOU love. You will fail, fail and fail at times, but it all begins when you come back up again. We were all born to run for something and we will never know what it is unless we chase it. When you realize, that you need something as much as you need to breathe, then you’ll be successful. Success comes with commitment, dedication but mostly belief. The phrase “Born to Run”, has so much behind it, there’s still what you were born to run for, what you were born to run for and what everybody was born to run for. We are all born with many opportunities and it’s a matter of using it wisely, and believing, that we were born to run towards success. NEVER use this generation’s condition, as an excuse for anything. Askin Arslan
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:17:28 +0000

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