I have two fears in life: Pressure systems and disease. I say - TopicsExpress


I have two fears in life: Pressure systems and disease. I say this not to vent my insecurities, but so you know that when it comes to plagues, epidemics, and pandemics, I live in much greater fear than the vast majority of people. With that in mind, I am absolutely HORRIFIED at the response here to the news of two American doctors with Ebola being flown back to this country. All Ive heard is fear and condemnation - a paralyzing selfishness that is turning us into monsters. This man and this woman - and all the Doctors Without Borders and all the medical workers fighting the epidemic in West Africa - are the bravest damn heroes this country has seen in years. Yes, there are soldiers out there who face death every day. But they face it as a bullet in the skull, or at worst, in an artery. These doctors are out there facing death of the most horrible kind - hemorrhaging out of every orifice while sealed away in a plastic quarantine away from even the touch of their friends. Theyre facing this terrifying death for the sake of saving lives. And we cant even get over our fear of offering them the dignity of American medical care - the same care they risked their lives to provide. I could talk about the facts: I could mention that the risk of the disease spreading in the states from these two doctors is infinitesimal, that the far greater threat comes from travelers, that the fact that these doctors are being quarantined in one of the most advanced disease research facilities in the world is HELPING us find a cure for Ebola. But the facts dont matter, because were all afraid. We dont care what these people are sacrificing for the good of humanity, were just worried that, between our dwindling Medicare and forty daily diabetes pills and cholesterol meds that let us chow down on lard after a triple bypass - were worried that all our fancy white person health care may not hold up against this dirty African disease. These doctors are just paying the price for trying to help out subhuman savages. They should be over here helping the REAL Americans, us 90-year olds with a tube in every vein and a drug in every organ. Im not asking you to go to Liberia and don a hazmat suit and start treating the sick. Hell, I wish I one day have the courage to do anything close to that. All Im asking is that you get over your baseless fears, and treat these doctors like the heroes they are. Because without them, wed already be dead.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:19:52 +0000

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