I have visited Shirdi at least twenty times before. The real - TopicsExpress


I have visited Shirdi at least twenty times before. The real impact / difference was, I went with a clear and uncluttered mind recently. These two words Shraddha and Saburi are the epitome of living whether in private life or the Corporate world, has its roots deep into the tree of success and Contentment. Shraddha is a Sanskrit word, which roughly means faith with love and reverence. Such faith or trust is generated out of conviction, which may not be the result of any rational belief or intellectual wisdom, but a spiritual inspiration. According to Sai Baba of Shirdi, steadfast love in God is the gateway to eternity. Babas teaching, both direct and indirect explicate the significance of Shraddha. Baba reiterates the spiritual guidance of Shri Krishna to Arjun - Whosoever offer to Me with love or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, that offering of pure love is readily accepted by Me. Saburi : means patience and perseverance. Saburi is a quality needed throughout the path to reach the goal. This quality must be ingrained in a seeker from day one, least he looses his stride and leaves the path half way
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 03:42:56 +0000

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