I hear The Lord saying press in...press in deep... Search out - TopicsExpress


I hear The Lord saying press in...press in deep... Search out the truth, no matter what it looks like, search it out. See the severity of the state youre in. See the severity of your condition. Open your eyes says The Lord. Open them and see. Search out your hearts before Me and see where you stand. Are you serving Me or are you serving your selfish desires? Who is it that you serve? Open your eyes and see the severity of your condition. Seek Me first, not yourself or others but Me says The Lord. Seek out the truth, no matter how difficult it may be or appear, seek it out, for the truth will set you free. Why do you look for Me to satisfy your fleshly desires? What ever happened to seeking My desires for you? Search out your hearts O ye of little faith. Search them out and align yourself to Me and I will provide for you. My desires for you are far greater than that of what your mere imagination can do or give you. Search out your hearts, for I already know where they lay. They lay on a bedrock of straw and stubble. On a firm bed of boulders, like the boulders of a rock quarry they are. Hardened to the truth for the truth will set you free. Hardened you have become. Stop looking to a me to fulfill your desires and seek the desires of My heart says The Lord. For then your grain will overflow, then your storehouses will be abundant to sow seed and cultivate the land. Soften your hearts towards Me for my hearts desire is far more exceeding than the desires of yours. Search Me out, search out your hearts I say unto you and turn back to Me and I will give everything that is right for you. Not what you want but what I want because then your desires will be aligned with Mine. Do not look only to the Scriptures that satisfy your flesh. Do not look to justify your actions by them. For I am Justice and righteousness. I am the One who justifies you. Allow Me to quicken you to My Spirit through chastening and correction. Seek the truth for the truth will set you free. Seek My correction, for only a fool despises correction. Look at Satan, he hates correction. He desires what he wants and that is death. So how much better are you, My children? Seek Me first and the desires of My heart, not your own, for your desires are like the devil and that only brings death and what is not good for you. You want to be blessed. You want Me to bless you, then straighten up and fly right says The Lord. Seek the desires of My heart then and only then will My blessings flow. My desire for you is far greater than you can imagine. Seek the truth beloved, no matter what, seek and see the truth and it will set you free. Search out your hearts and give them completely to Me says The Lord. Abandon yourselves to Me and My blessings will flow. For then your hearts will be aligned with My heart and it will be.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:33:17 +0000

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