I hope many Koreans & Japanese read - TopicsExpress


I hope many Koreans & Japanese read this 必見!できるだけ多くの日本人と韓国人に見てほしい。とても興味深いと思います。先日の韓国人との会話の続き。すっごい長いので分割して投稿します。 翻訳 Seungwon Jeon昨日 15:56 +タカハシアラタ Yes, me too. that would be great, you can ask anything you want to know. I also wish greater relationships and great future for both amazing countries. 翻訳 タカハシアラタ昨日 17:131 編集 +Seungwon Jeon Thank you. Im glad. sorry for too long. at first, I write how Japanese feel about recent Korea that I think. we japanese have known Korea hates Japan. we understand why Korea hates Japan. but recently, most japanese thought that Korea had done what Japanese cant stand any more. do you know what it is? I think it is to require 天皇 to kneel down on the ground and apologize. from right wing to left wing, most japanese were surprised and thought Korea had crossed the line. even who love Korea. You may think japanese respect old style king. Japanese are barbarous, japan is cult nation. I think no. Most japanese usually dont care about 天皇 . its very difficult to explain it. and your president Park. please forgive me to use dirty words. for Japanese, she seems to be crazy or too childish. sorry. and the statues. insistence about comfort women are different between Korea & Japan . even if that of Korea is right, I cant believe such a behave as Japanese sense. so I thought I should know Korea. when I read some episodes about Korean, I was really surprised at many differences. I guess some of them are misunderstood. its a great chance for me to ask Korean. 翻訳 Seungwon Jeon昨日 17:511 返信 Thank you for the well-organized and good English questions I will try to do my best with my hoesty feeling to respond your effort to make the questions. For the Japanese King, yeah in my life, I heard that some people in Korea said that, I guess because this was somehow inspired by German prime minister(?) kneel down onto the jewish victim. wait, but I know Japan would not agree Japan is the same with German. but the reason some Koreans are furious about old Japan was because some photos that are shared among Koreans. Like Japanese soilders holding a persons head with smiling and so on. I dont want to argue how many people are dead or what things are done or not done. I am just explaining the reason why some of Koreans want that kinda degree of apology. blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=0IG10&articleno=6299631 The link claims that Japanese mass-killing over China and Korea. So, people who see these photos getting very mad and does not mind to say anything to Japanese. For Koreans think Japanese do care about Japanese King, well.. I should say, the right wing, or Anti-Korean demonstrations are very emphathized by Korean media. Like... you heard Koreans want The Japanese King keel down and apology right? This may be exggerated or distorted by adding some sensitive and offensive words to Japanese to get more attention. Like Korean media frequently emphasize, Mr.Abes saying towards Korea and so on. We are remote by sea and by ideas and sterotypes to each other. So, we most likely believe anything that are fabricated by those who wants us to hate each other. There could be some news for Japanese and Korean to get a feeling for both but in fact news and people like to gossip, and want to make very attrative topic. During my middle school and high school, I learnt in a way Japanese invaded Korea several times, although Korea does not attempt. For some people would think well, war happens between countries, like England and French they have fought for countless years and extra. but for those, this is not right, they would be insulting and posting some texts that are not logically organized. A few days ago, news media reported, Abe said Korea is a stupid country to talk with. this title really attraticing to Koreans to click the news article, right? So, I guess some of sayings from President Park was also distorted somehow. The bottom line is knowledge that we have is too different so, we cant really understand the things from each other, because knowledge background is too different. hm... I hope More logical people should come out and try to talk this thing out. .
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:09:09 +0000

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