I hope this story will help you understand the healing process a - TopicsExpress


I hope this story will help you understand the healing process a little more: Suppose you cut your finger. It didnt seem bad, so you didnt bother bandaging or even washing it. Under normal circumstances, the body cleans, disinfects, and heals the wound so completely that even the fingerprint will be restored to exactly the way it was before it was cut. The code for your finger (and every other part of your body as well) is stored in your DNA, and when your immune system and other cells go to work to repair the damage, they restore the damaged part to that perfection. But suppose you had heart disease. Isnt that a wound? Why doesnt the same healing process apply? Why doesnt the body heal itself of that disease? Doesnt the DNA include the code for the perfect heart? The fact is, the same principles do apply to heart disease and all degenerative diseases. But the reason we dont just heal is because degenerative disease is maintained by continual wounding. Going back to our example, if every time the cut on your finger began to heal you cut it open again with a razor blade...again and again, it could not heal. So the first principle of healing must be: You have to eliminate the cause of the wound before any healing can take place. The same is true for heart disease and every other degenerative disease which are being maintained by the continual wounding by acids. The body is trying to regenerate the damaged areas of the heart, but the acid condition is also destroying the new cells being created... the heart cannot heal. There is not a single drug, therapy, or treatment that can bring about the healing or regeneration of the heart - and there never will be. The heart can only regenerate when the internal acidic environment is corrected and the body is provided with the necessary nutritional building blocks. The body is regenerating every minute you are alive, but if the wounding or destruction of the cells occurs at a faster rate than they can be replaced, you have degeneration. Degeneration means youre dying. And its the direct effect of acids on the cells of your body. Sometimes people reluctantly admit... maybe they do have a little arthritis or whatever, but theyre really not concerned about it. Well, they should be concerned! They should realise they dont just have a little arthritis or whatever. What they have is the beginning of the disease that is going to kill them eventually, and they should be concerned now, when its in the early stages, when they can more easily do something about it. Later it will be much more difficult. Furthermore, the same acid process that is destroying their joints is working on all their organs, muscles, nerves... on every cell in their body. The cause of the disease must be removed and that happens only through proper nutrition and maintenance of the pH balance of the bodys fluids. Apply this information to cancer: What they call cancer is not the disease, it is the symptoms - the effects, the mutated cells, or the tumours. Even if they kill all the cancer cells or remove all the tumours with surgery, you still have the same body internal environment, so the symptoms are likely to return, and you will have to live in fear of that. Until the cause is eliminated, the disease will persist, even if the symptoms have been alleviated or removed completely. It is quite common to have them send patients home from tumourectomies, telling them, We got it all, only to have them back months later with the same problem all over again. Acids and free radicals are what initiated the cancer in the first place. The acids and free radicals damaged the cells and caused them to mutate, and the immune system wasnt strong enough to detect and destroy the mutated cells before they replicated out of control, until there were enough mutated cells to be detected by science and given the prognosis. Whats more, they can go in and attempt to destroy the cancer cells with chemicals and radiation, and sometimes the treatment does destroy the cancer cells, but it also destroys other cells in the body, healthy cells, necessary cells, especially cells of the immune system. Now youre back with the same acid condition to start the process all over again... but this time with a weakened body and a weakened immune system. Many oncologists will not use chemo or radiation on a second recurrence of cancer because they know that these therapies on an already weakened body often result in death. When were lucky enough to get a second chance, we should do everything possible to change the situation that led to the problem in the first place. A second chance is a real blessing - and its also a message that weve got to make changes in our lives :-)
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:35:17 +0000

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