I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving today! I am so very - TopicsExpress


I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving today! I am so very grateful for my family...for Mom, who isnt here in body, but is more here in spirit than ever before! There is never a moment when her love, graciousness, hospitality and humility are not influencing my thoughts, attitudes and behavior! For today and every holiday to come, I will remember Mom wanting us to get organized. :-) I am thankful for my Dad and his good health. For his example of hard work and commitment to the long haul...through thick and thin...he has worked it out! I am thankful for my big brother Terry White...for the memories of fighting, laughing, sword fights with Hot Wheels track, wrestling for the right to change the channel on TV (yes, there was a time when you had to get up and cross the room to change the channel). He was and is a great big brother. I am grateful for my niece and her family. For my nephews and their families...for my best friend and business partner and her amazing kids...nieces and nephews in every since of the word. I love them all. I am grateful this year especially for time spent with my dear friend and college roommate, and the chance to really know her children better. For great nieces Ava and Lexi, Cadence and Melody! They are all that AND a bag of chips!! I am grateful for my church and for the transformative power of the love of God in Jesus Christ. I am so incredibly grateful that we dont have to stay the same...that we can move forward from glory to glory, as Jesus and his love have the power to change our hearts from the inside out! Our bodies may be getting older, but our spirits are being renewed day by day. I am grateful for my work and for the continued blessings that God has provided for our company throughout this year. There is nothing impossible for God, but learning that lesson is an everyday journey that can and does stretch our faith! I love to host my family for Thanksgiving, but this year, I am GRATEFUL for Adam White and Deanna White for hosting the mob!! I have enjoyed a quiet morning, watching the parade, sipping a cup of coffee, and watching Amydog play with her new little sis, Missy the monkey dog! Its time to jump up and get ready now - I hope you have a wonderful day! Give Thanks to The Lord, for His Love is Everlasting! Happy Thanksgiving from Susie, Amydog and Missy!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:38:23 +0000

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