I just felt led to share my Daily Spiritual Vitamin from work. Be - TopicsExpress


I just felt led to share my Daily Spiritual Vitamin from work. Be Blessed! GOOD MORNING MY DEAR FRIENDS, PHILIPPIANS 3:14 {NKJV} I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Endurance is experiencing the power of God’s love by rejoicing in trials and tribulations. It is focusing on a goal greater than distractions along the way. Many of us have our heart set on reaching a higher level in our Christian walk. We desire an increase of godly wisdom, in depth revelation, extended discernment, a more intimate relationship with Abba Father, and increased empowerment (anointing) for great work to glorify Abba Father. The thing that impedes us from reaching that which we desire is that we take on the mindset of today’s society; the mindset of a micro-wave/Burger King gratification. The mindset is I want it now, fast, quick, in a hurry and I want it my way. Perseverance, humility, longsuffering, patience, stick-to-it-ness, intestinal fortitude, faithfulness, loyalty, and contentment seemingly has become meaningless while the attitude of what about me has become prevalent. Well my dear friends the question I pose to you is, “How bad do you want it?” Life is not fair. Life doesn’t care anything about your heart desires it will chew you up and spit you out, it will use and abuse you, it will toss and turn you every which way but loose, and it will break you into pieces and leave you in your broken state. It has no respecter of person but an equal opportunist. I doesn’t care anything about your prayer life, your anointing or your faith. We all have or will in our lifetime encounter life’s struggles, challenges, trails, tribulations, storms and excruciating pains. We all have or will encounter in our lifetime the pits of rejection, despair, depression, frustration, sorrow, woe and pity that lie along the path of life. Everybody is not going to like you. Everybody is not going to agree with you. Everybody is not going to be sitting in your corner cheerfully supporting your earnest efforts. Everyone is not going to treat you with kindness. Everybody is not going to say nice things to you or about you. Everybody is not going to give you the recognition you think you’re worthy of. Everybody is not to answer your call or come to your rescue in your season(s) of trouble. The reason why some fall along the wayside traveling this path of life and are unable to run this Christian race is because of their inability to overcome adversity due to sensitivity. If the wrong thing is said, feelings are hurt and at times crushed rather than pressing forward to conquer the hurdle before them. Rather than staying the course, they succumb to life’s challenges and bury themselves in pity. You have to want your desires bad enough that you are steadfast and immovable in the truths that the gates of hell shall not prevail against you, that God is more for you than the whole world against you, that because you are a child of God you belong to a royal priesthood and you are more than a conqueror and the victory is yours. Want your desires bad enough to endure every negative thing that life throws at you with the understanding that all things work together for your good!!! God bless ISAIAH 40:29 {KJV} He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:17:22 +0000

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