I just got back from another Dr. visit Its bad news I have signs - TopicsExpress


I just got back from another Dr. visit Its bad news I have signs of Ulcers in my leg... Leg Ulcers Leg ulcers are a miserable complication of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), affecting up to a third of patients with CVI*. Swelling, rashes and brown discoloration develop due to poor return of blood back to the heart. Toxins accumulate and ultimately the skin will break down. This debilitating condition can cause patients to not only miss work, but also miss out on life. Imagine living with daily dressing changes, a chronic drainage or the foul smell that can accompany a leg ulcer. From day one, a person’s life is altered when having to deal with a chronic wound. The sad thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Although artery problems are often thought of first, in fact, more than 70 percent of leg ulcerations are related to leaky veins. Unfortunately, many suffer with leg ulcers for years before they are referred for evaluation of their veins. Today’s treatments can not only help ulcers heal, but are proven to help ulcers stay healed. Ulcers that have been present for years often heal within a few short months of receiving treatment. Some heal in weeks. Furthermore, with modern vein ablation, recovery is quick and downtime minimal. Facts about leg ulcers: Vein problems cause more than 70 percent of leg ulcers. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes years before an ulcer patient is referred for a vein evaluation. Vein-related leg ulcers are typically located on the ankles in areas of brown discoloration. Leg swelling, discoloration and itchy rashes often precede the breakdown of the skin. Treating the diseased veins is an effective way to promptly heal many leg ulcerations. Compression stockings and exercise are a must for patients with leg ulcers. Approximately a third of patients with chronic venous insufficiency will develop leg ulcers.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:37:16 +0000

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