I just listened to a Royal Rumble preview of two people spewing - TopicsExpress


I just listened to a Royal Rumble preview of two people spewing some of the most outrageous line of thinking Ive ever heard. It irritated me SO MUCH that I had to turn off the video. And its not even the fact that they want this, no they honestly believe THIS is the best direction for WWE to go in. This isnt fandom, its business minded. Heres what they said: Roman Reigns NEEDS to win cause its his year. Match quality doesnt matter, it just needs to be decent enough. Fans who support Daniel Bryan to win are supporting him out of BLIND fandom and not logic. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus is the right Wrestlemania 31 match. Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena should be the main event match. Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan is not the feud to go with after Mania. It should be Rollins vs. Reigns. Dean Ambrose is going to be in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal. Roman Reigns getting bood at the end of the Royal Rumble wont be the worst thing in the world, cause he can work a good heel. Daniel Bryan already had his moment and doesnt need to win it again. He lost a lot of momentum because he got hurt and isnt as over as people think he is. They almost took everything I said in my preview and said the EXACT opposite. I know people are free to say and think however they want, but does anybody TRULY want this to happen at Wrestlemania? Someone please explain to me how ANY OF THIS is best for WWE. Cause I dont see one. In fact, all I see this doing is making me not want to watch. Reigns winning can be tolerable in ways, but THAT is not one. Ive never been this aggravated since two years ago when someone actually told me Ryback should win the world title in 2012.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:46:09 +0000

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