I just posted 2 Timothy 2: 23-26 as a preface to what I am about - TopicsExpress


I just posted 2 Timothy 2: 23-26 as a preface to what I am about to say. This is addressed to fellow Christians specifically - oh, of course anyone can read it; but just a heads up that this is a word for Christians and I sure dont expect anyone else to be like-minded. Okay, it is always difficult to say truth when it is very unpopular and I believe this to be the truth. I dont want to offend but feel led to say these things and this is not something spur of the moment; but is something the Holy Spirit has been touching my heart about for a while. I believe we all as Christians need to examine ourselves quite often to make sure we are not being misled by popular notions. The one I am concerned with now are popular notions in our society about how animals should be treated. Why do I think this is important? Because I believe the current notions are at odds with Bible and Gods view of animals and so if we adopt those notions as truth, we run the risk of starting to think God is wrong or cruel or heartless when it comes to animals and that is a road I dont want to go down. I also want to steer others believers away from that road or similar roads. So, here we go. . . . Okay, first I dont know Gods heart and mind; but I know how animals are presented to us in the Bible and so that is where I get my instruction. I think it is very clear that God cares about animals. I also think it is very clear that He shows us no inclination to greatly exalt them or treat them like humans or act as if they are equal to humans and so when we start doing that, I fear we run the risk of not thinking of them or of fellow humans as God intended. So, while I think I really like animals and have my entire life and sometimes myself have preferred their faithful company to the company of humans, I just think we need to be careful and keep in mind that God is holy and He is just and if He says animals are for food and their skins can be used for garments and tent (Tabernacle) coverings and such, then that is the truth and you can take that to the bank. Now, I totally believe in stewardship and in caring properly for all our possessions, including animals and I believe I have done a good job of that. But there is a pretty big wave of sentiment among many of my Facebook friends where they tell others how to treat their animals and want laws imposed and people jailed. There are people out there who neglect and even abuse their animals and that is sad; but there are also animal rights activists who are non-believers and evolutionists and truly believe animals are equal to humans when it comes to rights - and I understand why their stance is such. But I believe we Christians need to temper our love of animals with the knowledge God sets forth in the Bible and we need to be aware that those evolution-believing animal rights activists seem to feel fine about lying and posting false and misleading photos to inflame emotions and further their cause. So, beware my brothers and sisters in arms and stay true to God and the truths He has given us in His Holy Word. Love you all! Cynthia.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:50:53 +0000

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