I just want to give a HUGE shout out to one of dearest friends - TopicsExpress


I just want to give a HUGE shout out to one of dearest friends Elena Avery Crowe. This year has put you through the ringer. There has been heartache, loss, pain, and struggle. People have pushed you around, tried to bring you down, judged you, talked about you behind your back, questioned your motives, stuck the knife in deep pulled it out and stuck it in again. Listening to the and seeing their actions has made you question yourself in so many areas and i am here to tell you that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! YOU are a phenomenal woman!!! You have a heart of gold not ice!! You are exceptional mother! Your kids are truely blessed to have you as their dominant parent!! Those of us who have taken the time to REALLY get to know you and see the real you love you dearly. Those who want to talk and judge dont matter. Those who have chosen to walk out of your life need to have the door slammed on them and their memories!! They dont deserve to have a minute of your time wasted on them. You amaze me. You put on your happy got it together face for everyone else and the ones of us lucky enough to see you fall apart at times dont care how crazy, mad sad, snotty, or crabby you get. We KNOW the real Elena. We SEE the true you and we love you no matter what!!! I love you dearly and am glad you allow me to be a small part of your life. :) Oh yeah if you need me to kick some ankles, or bust some kneecaps i am there girl. Just name the time and place.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 22:38:15 +0000

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