I just want to go on a lil rant here for a moment, Im actually - TopicsExpress


I just want to go on a lil rant here for a moment, Im actually looking for the answer to something and thats where the rant comes from. I dont want to turn this into a major battle but a nice discussion would be appreciated! O.k. So where in the world does it state that the fans from one team who didnt make the playoffs should root for their local rivals in a championship game or series? Obviously this is about the Devils and rags, Im finding it very disturbing that sooo many rags fans and die hard ones at that are taking serious offense to the fact that Devils fans are rooting against the rags. Ive already had a couple of people unfriend me because of this issue which leaves me scratching my head! In 2012, being the most recent history (but it happened in 00, 01 & 03 as well, and every playoff series the Devils have been in) most of the ranger fans I know spouted some of THE most hateful and derogatory insults against The Devils Ive ever heard but never once did I expect anything less from our cross river rivals fans because the bitter hatred runs that deep. There were a few Hockey fans that are rags fans that I guess tolerated the East being represented by the Devils and were at least civil but they were VERY few like less than five that I personally know of. SO why is it so hard to understand Devils fans wanting to see the rags lose?? The two teams rivalry is one of the worst in all sports, the two teams have NEVER performed a player trade with each other and I dont foresee that EVER changing, during regular season games its not uncommon that the opposing fans come to blows in the stands and not to mention the two teams on the ice fighting. Anyone who knows anything about either team knows that the fans and players on the ice hate each other equally! I mean is it really that hard to believe that most of the Devils fans including myself want to see the rags choke and blow it big time and never ever win another cup again?? Like I said I dont want this to turn into a battle royal but I would love to hear just ONE really really good reason why a rangers fan would expect me or Devils fans to root for them in the Stanley Cup Finals?? ok rant over, opinions and thoughts welcome!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 04:54:29 +0000

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