I just want to say, I started Ladies With SWAG to empower and - TopicsExpress


I just want to say, I started Ladies With SWAG to empower and motivate the young ladies of Paris and surrounding areas. I didnt see anything being done to help our young people so I stepped up to the plate and took on the task of working with the girls. I went out into the community and ask people to help me. Some did, some didint some I forgot to ask, it worked out with some of the women and some it didnt and I have been talked about for having even tried but I kept going. I have had several events and workshops for the young ladies and published all of them and ask for the help and support of the community. For those of you who cared enough to help and support Ladies With SWAG, I say thank you. For those for what ever reason who choose not to, please know it has never been about me, it is about the girls. The Beauty Pageant that was held this weekend was something I was reluctant to have because after last year, it was said I paid someone to pick the Queen. Although I know that is far from the truth, nasty rumors hurt even the strongest person, but I pressed on and put it on again this year. I feel like I have been run over by a train because of the things I have heard that have been said about me. If by having this pageant, I have hurt anyone or done anything to upset anybody, I AM SORRY. I will deal with the talk that is being done about me because that is why I started this group, I know first hand what it is like to be put down. So although I am wounded, I am not broken and I am more determined than ever to press on and if the young ladies are willing we shall proceed. As for the beauty pageant, last year I wouldnt let my granddaughter compete because I founded the organization. But this year I did because she had just as much of a right to enter as anyone else. As most of you know, in the teen division, she won. yes I am aware of what is being said. Two of the judges were selected from by an employee in the administrative office at The University of Tennessee at Martin. I had never met them before in my life. The other young lady, I saw briefly at at friends home who had death in her family, but never sat in the same room with her and she didnt know me from a can of paint. I ask for he business card and called her. As for my granddaughter, all of these ladies will tell you they never knew who she was the night of the pageant. I had no dealings with them that night from start to finish. For those who question this I can send you the numbers of the ladies who judged and you can ask yourself. But rest assured, after two attempts of trying to do something positive in Paris and give the community something to do at the same time, a pageant will not be done again by me,. Please, say what you choose to say about me but let it be about me and not her. I can and will heal from it but our youth struggle hard to move forward from negativity. Please know, Ladies With SWAG has just begun to be heard of because I trust God has power over everything, even whats good and evil. I give it this battle to him cause he can fight it better than me. May God bless you all.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:21:38 +0000

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