I just want to say a few things. Firstly, Im sorry to all WTC - TopicsExpress


I just want to say a few things. Firstly, Im sorry to all WTC teams as Ill no longer be providing images, sharing images or taking images at the WTC series. I have done so every event without fail for years now, and although I have enjoyed myself, you wouldnt expect me to come to your shop and expect labor for free, without at least a thanks, in fact if I didnt thank you, Id be a very rude person. So how is it okay for me to sweat my guts out at your event, and then work for further weeks after that editing, to make the images you see stand out more than just a snapshot. I created art, I spent many many hours after every comp working hard to get the images finished to share and hopefully sell a few prints. I sold not a single print in 3 years, out of the entire WTC series every year. No profit was evident, so I continued doing it simply because I wanted every competitor to have the OPTION of those photos. I caught many rolls, many wheel ups and many high speed shots that make me smile frequently. But I still spent my money, updated my equipment, risked my equipment and volunteered for all of it. And in all the years I didnt receive a single thank you, or even a tiny bit of gratitude. No advertisement, no deals made and no assistance. All of that was fine, till today. The first event I have missed since my first WTC. I was so keen to see it, that we drove all night and were awake for 28 hours when we arrived. We get there, we watch, we mingle. Then I find out people have been getting promoted in my absence, and mentioning my absence, as a photographer, over the loud speaker. This person has no skills, no prior professional experience, and has been to i think 3 comps ever, and her only connection is shes dating a guy who has a comp truck. Low blow to start with, after everything I did to help. Then when being told of this, its brought up as a certain organiser walks past and the response I get is this. Im so sick of this whole photos thing and walks off. Extremely rude, and I no longer will be helping people and volunteering with organisers who clearly dont appreciate the work others put in. A selfish man. Again, Im sorry to the competitors who now miss out, but it just means you will have to go into more comps if you want professional photography rather than dodgy images from people who dont know how to operate a camera properly. I didnt study and work for years to be undermined by those who are favoured.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:29:16 +0000

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