I just watched the movie, Heaven Is For Real, and I felt I should - TopicsExpress


I just watched the movie, Heaven Is For Real, and I felt I should do this. By the way, I highly recommend everyone watch that movie! I am going to do something now that is extremely rare for me to do, open up and expose my true soul to the World. I hope the message in the video helps those who need it as it has for me. Only two or three people know all of this about me. Sorry about the length of this post but I have to go into complete detail for people to completely understand. Some of you may read all of this, others will not, and that is okay but here goes. Oct 29, 1997 was a day that will forever be frozen in my brain and I can tell you what happened every single second of that day, as if it happened just yesterday. That was the day my mother was killed in a terrible car crash. Mom was one of the only people in my life, at that point, who always told me I could do anything I believed in and then helped me get it done. Growing up in the entertainment and tourism business, she always taught me that no matter how bad I felt, I had a job to do and to never let the crowds know my troubles while I was performing to bring them joy. So, from the minute I learned about her accident, I snapped into the performer mode. I had to stand tall and do all the things that had to be done to make sure her burial process was complete without showing how much pain I was in. I laughed with everyone as we talked about all the crazy things she did. I went through the burial process and watched over everything like a hawk. I did cry a few tears but not many at that time. But, after the 8 hour drive home, the minute I rounded the corner and saw my house, in Branson, I completely broke down. I almost became a total recluse for months. I didnt want to do much of anything and I was so lost that I didnt know what to do. Thank you Brenda for being there to help me through everything. Things started to look up then my father-in-law had a major stroke. Again, another hard blow. But, here is where something happened. We were pulling into the hospital one Sunday afternoon to visit her Dad and the weekly Paul Harvey message came on the radio. There was something different today, it was not his usual, The Rest of the Story message. Today he was reading a letter named, A Letter From God. I listened to every word as he read it. Afterwards, I cried like a baby and I didnt care who saw me. The message in this letter forever changed my outlook on life and has helped me understand things. After watching the movie this morning, I found the letter on YouTube and thought I should share it with everyone. Maybe it will touch someone as it has done for me. Some of you may agree with the message and some will not but that is okay... youtu.be/YhCG0Nt7wXs
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:55:30 +0000

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