I know Im not finished this yet so dont want to get ahead of - TopicsExpress


I know Im not finished this yet so dont want to get ahead of myself, however,Ive been resting and reflecting just now and I reckon I can say that this has put me at the edge both physically and mentally. Those that know me, know that I did 3000 miles in a oner round Europe on my bike, that was solid, I turned myself inside out over the Swiss, Italian and French Alps as well as the Pyrenees, but this, this, is utterly and totally a new world of suffering, there is no hiding place being on your feet all day,none, then add a pack on your back, searing heat, and the worst part, food, Ive had to do this with minimal carbs due to being gluten intolerant and this country simply not being set up for it. Ive starved most of the time, I dont mean when youre a bit hungry in the Toon, a city, and you go Eeeeeeeee, ahm pure starving me and you get on Justeat and some gadgie drops you off some bait, I mean actually starving. Then Ive had to trek 20 miles, on a banana, if Im lucky. If id known it would be this bad food wise before I came would I still have done it? The short answer is no. I have a family, and people who love me, if it was just me then probably aye, I like a frisk, but others i put first now in my life. Its hard to put into words but, I came 36-48 hours from kidney failure and possible coma, even death simply because I couldnt replace the salts my body needs, due to how rural the places were and the lack of bait in the first place. If I hadnt have done starvation training as a precaution before I came away then Id have been in the shit. However, when it comes to things like this, I back myself, I like to think I know what Im doing, through experience, personal and professional. That being said, and this can be applied to ANY situation, it is persistence, a positive mentality and effort which will see you/I/we over the finishing line of ANY endeavour, at anytime, in any undertaking. It doesnt matter how talented anyone is, if theyre all talk and no effort it means nothing. Anyone of us can achieve most things if we refuse to give up and break down walls through sheer force of will. The top and bottom of it is just because the rules changed and the bait wasnt right, it didnt automatically mean that that was an excuse to quit and ultimately fail, honourably or otherwise. I made a promise to you that I would finish this or have a doctor send me home. If I could help it, I wasnt going to whinge and use an easy out, based on the messages Ive received from you good people, it was about more than just me and I refused to let those people down, or myself for that matter. What this is supposed to be about, other than a fundraiser for the people of Gaza, is to inspire you, yes you reading this, to never, ever feel alone, or hopeless, or lost. Not everything is hopeless bullshit. Remember when, the Gaza genocide was happening and the narrative was, I feel so hopeless, and dont know what to do. That was when this came about. Now, dont feel hopeless, grab your balls or your tits, and whatever your personal challenge is, whatever it is to you, that you want to change, put one foot in front of the other, change, and dont stop changing, and keep putting one foot in front of the other, and never, ever stop. No matter who or what tells you otherwise, including yourself. Smash negativity, kill the ego, embrace positivity in all its forms. Thankyou to each and everyone of you for all of your kind words, they have made a bigger difference to my mind state than you realise and in an endeavour in such fine margins between success and failure, so important. Think of what encouraging each other with positive regard, in everyday life, to the people we love, and even strangers, could do for the world as a whole. That smile, that kind word, could well make the difference between success or failure, love or hate winning the day. You can make a difference, everyday, many small things can add up to something big. Now, all I have to do is 35kms without my hamstring snapping tomorrow to bring this thing across the finishing line at St James Cathedral Square, Santiago de Compostella, Galicia and honour my word to you and then its your turn. What are you going to do to spread positivity? Or are you content to whinge that everythings shite on the Internet with no do, no solutions focus and simply spread negativity with no end product? This is my challenge to you. One love. FTDCH. X
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 15:53:28 +0000

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