I know a young woman now down on her luck, down in spirit and - TopicsExpress


I know a young woman now down on her luck, down in spirit and almost destroyed by a older Christian. This young girl has hardly been saved long enough to grow spiritually or to learn all there is to know about the commandments of God. Because the life style of her past, what should have been her spiritual guide turned on her in anger and hate. Took her job away, put her out of her home, which she was renting to own from this Christian woman. But it does not stop there this same Christian woman in her hatred will talk about this girl to any one that will lend an ear. This young lady came to me heart broken wanting to know what she had done that was so wrong that God caused all this pain and loss. I explained that God was not punishing her but that this Christian woman was indeed in need of prayer herself to over come her self righteous attitude. I have tried to talk and pray with her, but it is difficult to get her past the wrong that was done her. Many times I see in the church days of old, and I am not talking about how the spirit of God used to move in services either! I am talking about the days of the scribes and pharoses. The self-righteous, that think themselves above the common man, better that the sinner or the prodigals I am addressing the Christian people inside the church that stand in judgment against others. Have a better than thou attitude, and have absolutely no love for their fellow man! Where is the love? Where is the compassion? How, I dare say do they call them selves Christians? My bible teaches that Christianity is about God’s love, mercy and forgiveness working through us as spiritual leaders. I have said it, preached it and wrote about it; this walk is not about us, it is about Jesus and our winning the lost to him. We are none no one else’s judge! And quite frankly I am sick of so called Christians working against true Christians trying to win lost souls to God. Every one need be aware that in theses the last days where the bible talks about false prophets and an anti-Christ spirit, and where he talks about false teachers; you need to be mindful that there will also be wolves in sheep’s clothing (folks proclaiming they are what they are not) There is spiritual fruit on the spiritual branches, if a person does not have the fruit of the spirit in their lives, they probably don’t have the goods! I am talking of course of the Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance. Yes, these are the markings of a Christian a true Christian. One may counterfeit one or two of these but when we know each other in the spirit as we are supposed to they cannot deceive us. Any one that has been in this way truthfully for any length of time cannot and will not stand and pointing out faults of others, they will pray for them. They will not talk to you about another’s weakness they will pray for them. Frankly I am sick of the hypocrisy, and if the shoe fits then wear it! If you are going to be a part of the church body of Christ, you need to tow the line, if you are going to insist on being a part of the in-crowd then start you a social club; don’t bring your junk into God’s house! You all please help pray for this young mother of two beautiful young girls, pray for the soul of this woman who has acted so. This mother needs spiritual guidance, she needs some one to mentor and encourage her in the ways of God. She has over come a life of addictions and many other things of past. She thought she had a new start and was working hard to provide a home for her girls only to have the rug snatched out from under her . Bro. Don
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:50:21 +0000

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