I know for a few of you its kinda boring to read posts like that - TopicsExpress


I know for a few of you its kinda boring to read posts like that and I apology but the truth has to be told, and it has nothing to with unrealistic expectations. Also I dont want to offend my fans who massively support me with buying legal copies, nice comments and cute private messages, I hope you dont get me wrong. I just try to get you a clear picture because most of artists keep quiet while feeling ashamed and being desperate same like me, and people are often answer your fault you decided to make music. The point is music is work, I wouldnt have this success if I didnt work like an asshole. Skills are not falling from the sky, and having talent is not enough for being a professional producer. Everybody is moaning about the flood of ordinary music in the shops from artists who are quite happy with a little attention and money-isn’t-an-object mentality while dropping beats like an assembly line. But that’s what the majority supports and that’s just another analogy to nutrition for example. I also notice that many people lost the taste for really quality tunes same like most of people don’t know what quality and healthy food is. Nowadays it seems enough to sample a well-known song, putting an Amen beat to and looping it for 7 minutes. No one bothers the detuned vocals or the wrong bass lines not to mention the lack of an own idea. A really good and catching tune which is properly produced needs a massive time investment, not for the tune particularly but for getting the skills in general. Its like a job training with the only difference no one pays you all these years. Additionally every kind of work needs equipment, repairs, renewals etc. Today most of us can easily afford at least semi-professional gear but some are still poor in this rich society and can not, like me for example. Sometimes I can hear the subliminal hint like Row get a proper job and stop moaning between the lines but firstly I’m not able to do so because of some bad circumstances, and secondly I think there is a natural balance what people wish to work. Originally everybody can do whatever he wants to do, everybody needs a bit of happiness and satisfaction in what he is doing 8 hours a day. Look at those older people who has shitty jobs, one day they have massive health problems, burn-out or depressions because they spend huge time of their life in things they hate. This attitude is common but absolutely unnatural. Most of jobs are only creating money for an antisocial company instead of bringing conscious, equality and peace for everybody in this world. In these capitalistic and megalomanic days there is no place for artists or dreamers even though everybody needs art to compensate the hard life but isn’t willing to pay them properly. We are trying to get everything as cheap as possible or rather for free. This is the wrong way and I see how people more and more get used to that mentality! ART IS NOT FREE, nobodys work is for free, the majority decided for money-save reasons that art is free. It’s nothing than a justification. Also most of labels or shops are not to be blamed, stop saying „I download the tunes on pirate sites because the money doesn’t reach the artists anyway“. That’s bullshit! It is not the internet or the digital era, it is only the possibility to get art for free. Try to get some food for free at your local supermarket! The only difference is it’s not possible to grab some items and leave the shop without paying, unless you like the security running behind your back with all following consequences… Material things can’t be digitalized otherwise nobody would receive one penny for his work. Every kind of work is equal! Litter service, cleaning rest rooms, producing cars, building houses, farming - music. Respectfully, Row
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:14:51 +0000

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