I know of a person who does hair. She no longer has a vehicle for - TopicsExpress


I know of a person who does hair. She no longer has a vehicle for transportation, she has a soon to be 3 year old daughter, and she is a full time student. She occasionally needs to borrow a few dollars for things around her home but insist on paying it back at all cost. She accommodates those who are rude and continues to give nothing but the best service. She travels near and far to do her clients hair even at a discounted rated just to be as convenient as possible for them. She has done her closest family and friends hair at as low as 10% of her regular rate or even free out of the kindness of her heart. They rarely offer to pay the full price, when most could afford it and she will fix their mistakes free of charge. People are so use to getting $200 hair styles for $40 that they sometimes forget and try and pay less. She doesnt go to the club, or dinner with the girls, 80% of her visits have something to do with hair or holding her new baby. I use to hate that people clearly take advantage of her kindness. I used to hate that shed do 3 hour hairstyles for free, just to here them complain a week later. They dont see her cry at night, they dont feel the frustration and pain! They dont see her so excited to go to the shop that she starts getting ready two hours early, just so they can not show up without a phone call. You know she just had a baby! How rude can you be? Why do we take advantage of those closest to us? People wonder why I am the way I am... I see strangers willing to pay full price with tips while those closest to us short change her, knowing she needs the help. They know shes struggle but they still take advantage. Then they assume Chris has it. WELL GUESS WHAT CHRIS PAYS THE BILLS SHE CANT AFFORD BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO PAY FULL PRICE JUST ONCE! Its a shame and I personally have no respect for those people but I love and appreciate her because she does it with a smile! So remember when you see Brittney Specialist s beautiful smile as she makes sure you look good, this will be your reminder of the pain you dont see. Thank you for your time
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:51:48 +0000

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