I know we may sound like a broken record here, but no matter how - TopicsExpress


I know we may sound like a broken record here, but no matter how many times we bring this up it keeps happening. We at the Noblesville Police Department don’t take drunk drivers lightly. We actively pursue them and enjoy doing so. I know people say that we may spend too much time doing this and have been told countless times that we need to focus on the “real criminals.” Unfortunately, those same people that say we need to focus on the “real criminals” just don’t get it and they probably never will until it affects them personally. They will not get it until one of their family members is serious hurt or killed by a drunk driver. Yes, an OWI in Indiana is only a misdemeanor for the first offense and there are much more serious crimes out there according to the Indiana Law, but what most don’t understand is it only takes one time to make that decision to get behind the wheel of a vehicle drunk to seriously hurt or kill someone. When that happens, we are the ones that have to tell the victim’s families what has just happened to their loved one(s). Over the past few weeks we have had several crashes that were a result of a drunk or drug impaired driver. Some of them with major damage to innocent people’s vehicles, some of them were involving innocent motorcyclists trying to enjoy the last warm weather, and some of them that have had children in the car. As I’m sure many of you saw on the news, one of these crashes happened from an “alleged” drunk driver crashing into the back of one of our police vehicles. Luckily none of these instances involved serious injuries or fatalities, but it’s only a matter of time if this doesn’t get under control. We can tell you over and over again that if you get behind of the wheel of the car drunk you will get caught, but obviously that does not seem to be working. With technology this day and age, there is absolutely no excuse for a drunk or drug impaired driver to get behind the wheel of a car. With a click of a button you can have a sober driver to you within 5 minutes and many bars in the area offer cheap shuttle services. So please, think before you drive drunk or drugged up. You can take the chance if you so choose. If you do you will either hurt yourself or someone else eventually or you will be meeting one of our Hamilton County officers. We will give you a comfy place to stay, a bright orange jumpsuit, and 3 meals a day until your court hearing. Yes it is only a misdemeanor for your first offense and may not seem that big of a deal, but it only takes one time before your actions will affect the lives of other for the rest of their lives. Stay safe out there.. and as we always say, don’t drink and drive!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:04:56 +0000

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