I like personal challenges. I learn something about myself each - TopicsExpress


I like personal challenges. I learn something about myself each time. My most recent personal challenge, and the one Id like to extend to you, is the resolution to not weigh myself for one month. Why? Because I find myself becoming obsessed with the scale again. Even knowing that it doesnt measure body fat, I stand on it each morning waiting for it to tell me how to feel for the day. If it is lower than expected I walk away in a good mood. If it is higher, a rush of self-doubt, frustration, and slight depression overtakes me. Oddly enough, whether or not the scale measurement is higher or lower, I still end overeating. When it is lower, I tend to subconsciously reward myself for a job well done - basically telling myself I have calories to spare. When the number is higher, I either eat from a place of whats the point, or restrict my eating so much, that it just leads to a binge. So my challenge to you for the next 30 days is to take your scale, put it into your closet, and dont weigh yourself again for the next month. Does that sound difficult to you? I have done this in the past and it was for me at first. I realised how much I relied on the scale as a source of self-control. I was relying on external cues to guide my feelings and actions. When the scale was taken away I was forced to search inward and to listen to my body. It was hard at first, but after a few days I began to appreciate the freedom not weighing myself provided. I didnt need the scale to tell me if I overate. I knew if I did. I could feel it in my stomach. Dont get me wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with the scale. Approached with the right mindset, it can be a useful tool. But most people have come to rely on it for validation, and the influence it has on their thoughts and actions is rarely beneficial. This challenge is about taking the power away from the scale and taking the first steps towards trusting yourself again. Especially after my recent holiday, I have decided to take my focus to my training. I did my 1st Metafit session after 4 weeks today! For the next 30 days I tell you about my training and my diet. After 30 days I think youll view weight loss from a much healthier mindset. One in which you are in control. Cat :) x
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:35:29 +0000

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