I love Facebook! For years it has been a way for me to have - TopicsExpress


I love Facebook! For years it has been a way for me to have contact with the world...and still is. To have contact with friends and family...to make new friends...and find old friends...A way to see that what ever problems I may have are small in comparison to others. I think that for most people here, we come here to lift our spirits...or lift the spirits of others. We see the happier side of a person...and we have no idea what our friends are going through...or have gone through...unless they let down the walls and allow us to see...I know there have been plenty of times I sat in front of the computer screen writing some of the happiest things...with tears streaming down my cheeks! And unless I allow you in, you wont know... Every day that goes by I am constantly amazed at what each of you go through in your life...And what a blessing you are to me...So many lessons for me to learn...Teaching me I have so much more than I could ever have imagined in my life...and my little problems are nothing... Where else could I just make a request for prayers...and know that immediately an army of friends...real friends..e forward to pray on my behalf. Im truly blessed! I find myself these days requiring...longing for human contact...the closeness of others. Sometimes it it very hard to just sit here at the screen and read and write. But in the same breath, I remember who has been here with me these last few years... I want you to know just how much your friendship means to me! Youve made me laugh...sometimes out loud...youve made me cry...youve made me long to be able to help...youve made me scratch my head sometimes...youve taught me new things...and reminded me of old memories...youve allowed me to share my life with you...as you have shared with me. Someone said once that they hoped I wrote my feelings down in a special place...so one day my family could go back and read...Well I have...Here...On Facebook! Its my journal of sorts...where I keep my memories. And I can go back a year...or two...or three...and see what I was thinking on any given day... Like I said...I love Facebook! But more than that, I love you!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:32:42 +0000

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