I love my nation, and I care for its future, not for my sake but - TopicsExpress


I love my nation, and I care for its future, not for my sake but for the sake of the next generations. I see my niece and I worry about the world around her and I ask myself , as a people have we done all we can to make it a better world. We have allowed the rich and powerful to dictate all our destines. We quickly forget any march or uprising demanding justice, fairness and logic. We get easily distracted by unimportant issues, fads, bold face lies, rather than informing ourselves on what matters and not what counts as reality on TV. We have let compassion, understanding and diplomacy be put aside to reactionary responses before any facts come to light. We cannot assume one source of information has all the answers. We cannot take things at face value. We must become what we always thought we are, an informed, well educated, compassionate, fair dealing and open to all who come with a new idea or concept. We easily forget our past and so we are doomed to repeat its mistakes. It is however not to late. I feel and I know there are more who think perhaps we can change things for the better and unite as a people and by that I mean not just as a nation, but as a global species of man. We have had those in the past and in the now, that represent the best that humanity can be. As an artist I seek to show and tell what truth I know. I am not always right, but I do not walk away from facts or try to make them fit my vision of the world. No talking points and no agenda. The only agenda I see for us all, as a human race is for us to continue to live on beyond this generation. We can do so much good in our world, we must however not fall to our darker tendencies. And when we stumble we all pick ourselves up and correct what we can. I know as an individual one can only do so much. At the least do what one can for ones family. And you may ask, what can I do and even if I wanted to, what and where can I go. Even if its just to vote or join a protest or at least write a letter to your representative or even yet just talk about issues or things that concern you to friends on the phone or at a starbucks with perfect strangers.....it is something. What you can do...to start at the least, is get informed. Not just about your side of things but all sides and thus you can make a well informed choice. We all look at the world through different eyes. I see them from the eyes of an artist who knows that he needs inspiration and the freedom to express himself to one or more people and say what I think. That is one thing that does make our nation unique among others.And even though other nations have the same freedoms, we are allowing our freedom to choose our nations destiny to be taken away by the few who wish us to be uneducated and uninformed. Our ignorance and willingness to simply obey is what they wish. A healthy, well educated and informed populace is difficult to control. I close by simple saying that never forget, we the people are the bosses. We the people establish a government that we all take part in. We the people form the only nation in the history of the world, created by and for the immigrant. That is my thought...share it or not its up to you. Just one last thought...let us not allow political parties divide us, we are far more and better than that.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 02:33:02 +0000

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