I love my son with all my heart! When Liam was bought into this - TopicsExpress


I love my son with all my heart! When Liam was bought into this world at 3.77 pounds, he was so small, and delicate. Rebecca showed much courage and will power bringing Liam into this world and through the hurdles and life changes, we felt prepared for what was to come. But the story does not end here. Liam Rebecca Partleton and I fell into hard ship after a serious of lets say at the least an array of misfortunate events Liam and Becca were having feeding troubles, with poor weight gain, and at 6 days of age we were in and out of hospital!, I was working and Becca took on a hugely responsible role seeing to it that our small and delicate son would be seen too. He was underweight, Jaundice (a bright yellow colour due to lack of a certain vitamin) and unwell. As Liam Becca and I were having hardship as a family due to liams, Martin Bell and Paula Bell ,being the best parents i could have ever had in the world!, Visited regularly to support, witness and help in all our efforts. Liam began to have bouts of very foamy and what seem to look like acidic diahorrea, one night my partner woke to find liam with severe burns to his buttocks, blistered and soaked into his wee buttocks. In my best attempt, i cleaned him up, saline solution(sterile water) cotton pads and medicale tape (atleast i cut the sticky parts of the bandaids). We Got our boy to the medical centre the next day, and we were prescribed medication (pamol and Permifacourt). Notifying family we addressed the troubles we were having and My father showed Unwaivering support traveling to and from queenstown to Christchurch which in turn resulted in my father resigning from his job and mum supporting financially ( i love you mum and dad ) But things got worse, only a week after being perscribed medication for Liam HE COLLAPSED,we had prepared a bath, and were feeding him his bottle, i rose to take him to rebecca and thats when my boy STOPPED BREATHING! he was limp, like when the cat is finished with a bird... my boy was gone... WE BOTH PANICKED! I SCREAMED for becca to call an ambulance, and i begun CPR! 4 rounds. on the 4th OUR BOY BEGUN TO BREATHE AGAIN! and the ambulance was there faster than lightening! to place my boy on oxygen and take him and my partner to the hospital. I followed shortly after in the car!. 2 weeks in hospital - My father visited regularly! as a Father to liam i visited regularly! Rebecca was sent home, with a gastric feeding tube to force feed liam and had to administer wound care... we were told Liam had suspected lactose intolerance and he was prescribed NEOCATE a formular to correct stomach enzymes! LIAM had many out patient appointments, he attended every single one!! I WORKED LONG HOURS stopping into see my family when i could to ensure they were ok... becca was VERY DEPRESSED! and she DIDNT see family very regularly! Becca then returned to work, i had begun temping as i had to resign my job at BIG CHILL to support Rebecca emotionally, but it keept us warm and fed. Liam and Rebecca attended DUNSANDEL PRESCHOOL, she is and ECE teacher. WAITANGI DAY! we both got up to see a significant bruise on my poor wee mans face. Having an out patient due Becca decided she would ask at the hospital. I picked Liam and Bec up as usual as the parking is atrotious and she filled me in. We returned home.....RECIEVED A CALL FROM THE HOSPITAL that they were involving CYFS! CHILD YOUTH AND FAMILIES! We notified family, Long story short, but not to spare to much detail.... LIAM was xrayed pushed prodded and looked over. We cooperated, we didnt kno what was going on! and we wernt given a chance. We were showing no paper work or evidence and no one gave us any hard evidence. They told us our child had been violently shaken, that his growth plates in his knees looked to have calcification as a result of a headled fracture and a fractured wrist. WE WERE SHOWN NO EVIDENCE! SPLIT APART FROM EACH OTHER BY TO VERY INTIMIDATING DETECTIVEs! OUR BEAUTIFUL SON TAKEN AWAY FROM US AND THROUGH ALL THIS HEART BREAK! REBECCA AND I STUCK TOGETHER! WE NEW WE HAD NEVER HURT OUR SON! some one had made allegations that i was abusive! this fell through. As Becca and I remained stroing together. And i would never hurt you or my baby! My father was the only person to see xrays, and was told by the doctor they couldnt confim anything.. Tests confirmed liams brain, skull and everything else were intact. My lawyer a very honest and ad-vocative man made things clear and preicse for me. Our own research was very helpful and My side of the family showed unwavering support. BECCA was diagnosed with sever mental illness and medicated Rebecca Partleton you are an amazing strong woman who has healed and loves your son more than anything! I love you, and stand by you and our boy through everything! Our boy was relocated to WAIMATE, and rebecca and I sold what we could, and with support from my family we got to queenstown, to do parenting courses and seek counsell, traveling to see our boy every week.. We prepared to fight in court! With evidence and each other we percivered taking every step to see our son and get him back, but we were POWERLESS. With all the loops and laws that court brings to the table, we were advised to settle. Custody and additional Guardianship was given to Kevin and Louise. Beccas Parents. On the basis we would be allowed access no less than once a week, and that supervision is only deemed neccesary by the caregiver. We were told if we did not settle that if the judge were to assume the worst... then things could be alot worse. as i say Powerless.. The settlement agreed to have CYFS bow out, and have the power brought back with in the family, access in favour of Rebecca and I and Supervision deemed neccesary by the caregivers( kevin and Louise) annnd a 6 months review in hope of getting liam back into our care. Before we new it they were taking our son of us, and placing him in the care of my Partners parents Liams Grandparents Louise Partleton and Kevin Partleton. Who have done so well in keeping liam healthy, although there have been troubles MY BOY IS ALIVE! MY PARTNER IS ALIVE I AM ALIVE! I STAND HERE BEFORE YOU TODAY! AND LET ME SAY! LIAM JAMES BELL WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! KEVIN AND LOUISE THANK YOU FOR LOOKING AFTER OUR BOY BUT YOU NEED TO GIVE US A CHANCE! PAULA AND MARTIN (MUM & DAD) & THE REST OF THE FAMILY THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE WHEN ALL OF THIS WAS HAPPENING! AND THANK YOU TO OUR FRIENDS AT THE TIME FOR YOUR SUPPORT TOO! HELP BECCA AND I GET LIAM HOME!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:08:46 +0000

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