I love people who pretend to care about good things like freedom - TopicsExpress


I love people who pretend to care about good things like freedom and limited government and liberty and justice for all and not letting the government take away our rights but then when a white cop kills an unarmed black guy on video and gets away with it theyre like NAH MAN ITS COOL. Like dude if you REALLY want a white cop to be able to kill an unarmed black man without consequence for selling untaxed cigarettes, quit being such a dick and just say it so that the rest of us know to immediately stop associating with you. But then remember that youre basically a Nazi - not in the YouTube comment sense of being someone that I happen to disagree with, but in the sense of being an actual, literal white supremacist. The kind of person who doesnt care about liberty and justice for all. Your lip service to freedom is bullshit. As for the people who actually give a shit about democracy and respond with appropriate anger to the incomprehensibly blatant disregard for non-white lives that is being shown over and over again in our broken justice system - not that you need my blessing but keep making noise because its awesome and inspiring. Youre the people I want to be around. Normally Id feel nervous about posting something this strongly opinionated, especially because I still worry about offending certain friends and relatives and old church colleagues, but I guess the reason I dont feel that way right now is that the alternative to being completely appalled at this Eric Garner thing would be complacency with actual white supremacy. I just feel like its important to say out loud that I am more interested in supporting the people who are speaking out against racism and police brutality then I am in appeasing those who cant be bothered even to acknowledge that these things are actually happening. So I hope this doesnt offend anyone but then again if you somehow take offense at this then I dont think I want to hear your thoughts on whats wrong in America, because in that case the answer would just be people like you. #blacklivesmatter
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:36:11 +0000

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