I love this beautiful, albeit unrealistic, song of ideals. Its - TopicsExpress


I love this beautiful, albeit unrealistic, song of ideals. Its focus on FEELINGS, however, ignores the big picture of human nature. Could it be that 20ish Obama bought into the song when it was first recorded in 1985 for Africa? If so, that might help explain the insanity of the Obama agenda for America; but, regardless, its time for Obama to grow up. youtube/watch?v=OoDY8ce_3zk Once upon a time, in America, a family member who engaged in irresponsible, undesirable or disreputable activity was often viewed as the black sheep of the family. But, importantly, the black sheep was Free to choose to be the black sheep; and to suffer the consequences of the choice. That has all changed under Obamas America, however. Today, under Obama, the IRRESPONSIBLE person is now valued by a corrupt government of men and women who desire to rise to riches under the pretense of wanting to give the allegedly forced into a life of irresponsibility people that which ALLEGEDLY they have been unfairly denied. In a nutshell, that is the Big Political LIE upon which the Obamas and the Clintons walk. To be clear, the Obamas and the Clintons do not walk on water. They take far more than they give. They make THEIR success a priority; as they condemn, and place obstacles in front of, other Americans who likewise strive to further their own careers. The Obama objective is to make hard working Americans feel sufficiently guilty to step aside in silence as the corrupt government of men and women replace the formerly self-motivated Americans with incompetent, indoctrinated government zombies. In the process, American standards are wiped from the face of the earth. Essentially, under Obama standards, the black sheep of his alleged One-World Family is the American Spirit. No longer are individuals ALLOWED to excel based on merit, and thereby take care of themselves and their individual family members. Such a desire is now deemed the unacceptable black sheep mentality. In the place of self-reliance, the Obama agenda calls for a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OF MEN AND WOMEN to determine the needs of all world citizens based upon the corrupt groups sense of what is fair and right; and to then ROB Responsible Americans to the point of ENSLAVEMENT in order to obtain the means of providing those government approved rations. As I see it, if We are to stand together, we must stand together to ensure (1) that all people are recognized as Inherently Free Individuals, and (2) that governments are maintained and controlled by The People in such a way that government favors NO sub-group of people. But, then, others really do think it is OK to take money from 70 year old employees to give it to younger people having babies they cannot afford because they do not value education and hard work as a method of getting ahead in life. Such people value, instead, a CORRUPT government of men and women who will TAKE FROM responsible workers of all ages to UNFAIRLY give to them so they can continue to just get by in life. Some people just cant handle the truth. They spend their entire life running away from the truth. Nonetheless, In Truth, All people are born inherently free. They are NOT born a government subject complete with a social security number. Oppressed people are government subjects who stood silently as oppressive laws and restrictions were artificially imposed upon them.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:59:49 +0000

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