I loved what was said about not being so hard on - TopicsExpress


I loved what was said about not being so hard on ourselves--judging and comparing ourselves to others or thinking we do not fit in Gods kingdom. I can so testify that trials and tests and opportunities are perfectly chosen and individually tailored for each of us--the Lord is ever so mindful of our individuality---He does love us so and as the true and only Shepherd will lead us home. The living scriptures and ancient scripture can be a hard slog when we are searching for answers. There was an extended time in my life when I searched daily for answers and prayed --and yet I felt that the answers did not come. It was so frustrating--why--why was there no light to my questions? I was almost ready to give up and never ask again. During this trying time the volume of the world had been turned up loudly--like an enticing rock concert. All of the wives and mothers were being enticed to leave their homes and go get a career. This was in the late 1970s --early 1980s. I was angry and frustrated--I had done everything the Lord had asked and yet I was being hammered in all directions about the wrongness of my choice to personally raise up a righteous posterity. That it was not at all important to do this, that indeed I could hire others for this boring, unrewarding task and enter the workplace and find real fulfillment. After all I was talented, capable and knew things that the world was just waiting for--or such was the daily propaganda spewed forth from the plethora of news magazines and such on every TV channel. But then the answer came--the Lord heard our prayers--for I was not alone in this--many women of the church were hearing the same siren song of satan--the real author of the propaganda--although it took many years and other siren songs to see the hateful source of this attack on women. But Im digressing from the point--the answer came and in September of 1978 --President Spencer W. Kimball announced that there would be a special Womens Conference. This was in the days when going to the church buildings for satellite broadcasts was in its infancy and was reserved for General Conference. I do not know what expense the church had to go to --to purchase satellite access for conference rather than just time on the network channels but it was unheard of --and unique-- only---The The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-- was doing broadcasts directly to their individual stake Centers. I am adding the link to President Kimballs talk in the comments.This talk assured me at a crucial time in my life that the Lord does love us and hears our prayers and answers them. What Pres. Kimball said at that time may not resound today like it did then--but that is why we have living prophets --who will address our concerns and help us through every test, trial and temptation. What was it today that was said? Among many things-- General Relief Society Pres. Linda K. Burton quoted one of Neal Maxwells wit with irony gems. All the easy things the Church has had to do, have been done. From now on its high adventure. And followership is going to be tested in some interesting ways. Amen to that sisters.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 04:08:29 +0000

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