I made a post on FB couple days about a group of Wiccans I - TopicsExpress


I made a post on FB couple days about a group of Wiccans I encountered . ( see the post of picture of locked up youth) A FB comment was made- Eh, as an actual Wiccan, I feel the need to correct something here. Based on your description, these people were most certainly not Wiccans. Firstly, Wicca is a faith that puts great emphasis on love, kindness and respecting the free will of all living things. Therefore, to show up at a religious sermon in order to act disrespectfully would definitely not be considered acceptable in any way. Second, you claim they were casting spells on you. Wiccans follow a rule of harming none, therefore we never use magic for harmful purposes, only to do good. A Wiccan would never cast an evil spell on another human. If these people claim they were Wiccans, then they know absolutely nothing of Wicca and what it stands for. They sound more like misbehaving, rebellious teenagers to me. It is possible they were some other sort of Pagans, though. I myself sometimes attend Christian sermons since my family is of the Christian faith, and though I wear my pentacle with great pride, I would not dream of acting with such bad manners in any place of worship. I am happy for these people that they have found a spiritual path that suits them, but please refrain from using such horrid examples to give Wiccans a bad reputation. You will find the majority of us are very reasonable people.- Irena My response - Irena, thank you for commenting and I agree that there are some who are kinder, respectful practitioners of Wicca just like some who claim to be Christians are rude, angry etc. My father was a practicing warlock for many years who could use his powers for good or evil. I saw him do both. As there are so many journeys of faith and spiritual paths, the one thing I have come to believe is that all of us are born with a negative some would call sinful wrong practing nature. Some are better than others you sound like a kind, considerate gal that tries not to break a code you seek to live by, thank you. But with all humans its clear that we all break or go against our conscience of right and wrong. Thats what I really love about the God Man Jesus, He came to earth and lived amoung us , showed love and compassion for the hurting but actually scolded those who felt they were good people of faith but inwardly were rotten in the mind will and emotions He said No one is good, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Now I know this does not line up with your current beliefs but if he was truly who He claimed to be and offered himself as a sacrifice so we could be forgiven of our sin and have a genuine clear guiltless no shame conscience often filled with peace and love even for our enemies and on top of it all have eternal life with Him when we die , wow I love that! Its hope to me , not works , not religion, but living loving grace and it real for me and so many others. So if what He said is not true then he was either lying or a lunatic or actually His claims were real. well Ive taken enough of your time thanks for reading and thanks again for your comment. By the way how did you come upon my page ? Your friend Victor
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 20:45:13 +0000

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