I-mortality (the artwork I published yesterday) tells the story of - TopicsExpress


I-mortality (the artwork I published yesterday) tells the story of a political world, of a civilization on the edge, a system trying to reinvent itself, a battle between left and right, families arguing in front of their dinner plates. It tells also a story of racism, a New World Order almighty, and a Google machine trying to tell you all the answers. Our civilization is afraid of death. We want to be immortal. But isnt that immoral ? The 8 coolest details about I-mortality : 1: Rosa Parks bus replica is at the bottom right of the artwork. 2: Obama has a mouses pair of ears, and a uhm... of Hello Kitty (a cat and mouse game!). 3: The YMCA letters in the balloons could mean the gay song from the 80s or dormitories for young Christian males. A pun. 4: At the bottom left, it is written I love sugar, the full sentence is I love sugar cubes. The black liquid could be oil or coffee then. 5: The rose at the left is the symbol of socialism. Obama has been countless-ly called a socialist. 6: The shape of the little girl the center was copied from Norman Rockwells artwork The Problem We All Live With. She is the heroine of the story. 7: The direction sign shows the direction to UtopYa and Dystopia, and says that the action is happening at Golden Bean, a fictional place in the universe. The woman is Michelle Obama, the character with four legs was inspired from a painting of the great Alex Gross, looking almost identical. It is said in the riddle of the Sphinx that those who have four legs are babies. 8: Obama is sitting at a bus stop, waiting for Rosa Parks bus to come. A phallic symbol. Here is a link to the artwork : https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=4238414934449&set=a.1699281257694.52525.1707802651&type=1&relevant_count=1 Thanks a lot for reading this ! Kazu
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:07:19 +0000

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