I must address the events that have taken place here since the 23 - TopicsExpress


I must address the events that have taken place here since the 23 of October. I feel SO horrible about my involvement in trying to help a dog that needed “rescue” by gathering all of my entrusted companions via networking and crossposting to have donations sent to a dog in California that supposedly needed a plane ticket to PA. Of course, naturally, after all the donations had been raised, I asked the page In Honor of Apple the status of the dog. All of the sudden, they stated the dog was not at the shelter, was gone, and that they did not know who rescued the dog or where it went. Wow! At this point I contacted the shelter on my own. I was told that the dog had ALREADY been RESCUED on the morning of October 22, 2013 at Apple Valley Shelter by Northstar Rescue. So, this dog had been gone long BEFORE I was asked to get donations for it. Then they stated that they would refund everyone’s money. REALLY? That was not the case. Instead, they then began posting photos of yet ANOTHER dog,(photo has been removed from their page) claiming that this is where the funds would be allocated. Upon investigation, this dog had also already been rescued!! That is twice in less than 24 hours!! For the past few days I have been contacted by countless people wanting to know about the “rescue” behind the page because they are highly upset and not comfortable about the situation at all, nor was I. They wanted their money refunded. I will NOT stand for this. I will not put myself in jeopardy or my friends to be manipulated and used. We here have always stood for INTEGRITY. An omission of the TRUTH is a LIE. Rather than being thanked for my time and efforts after being implored to get donations for the dog, I was told that, “I gave them a headache because they had to refund people’s money.” WOW!!!! I will stand by my convictions and what is RIGHT. GOD sees everything. Praise Jesus that the dogs were ALREADY rescued!!!! Now this page has been attacking and harassing my friends Peteys Pack because they have been found out. Stop using and abusing people. Your actions are reprehensible!!! Shame on you!!!! Oh and BTW, we know you have deleted comments, photos and statements so that the public cannot see what you were doing and saying. Deplorable.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:44:48 +0000

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