I needed copy this to my computer, just in case, I lost someday - TopicsExpress


I needed copy this to my computer, just in case, I lost someday internet connection, and feel bored. I just like this kind of music for some reason. When I was child, I loved USSRs national anthem. I heared it from tv, probably because of olympic games or other sports. I my family, or people close by it, was not any communists or even socialdemocrats. Actually in my home municipality there was not visible communist at all. (Later I learned huge number of municipalitys population voted in elections Left Alliance, and I belive its older communist member, who is/was really popular in Lapland). My own political path goes this: after we started learn schools history classes about indrustial ages, and new idologies: capitalism and socialism/communism, I strongly communist side, but soon turned to socialdemocrat because of failure of USSR. But soon I also disappoitend to socialdemorats, and turned to be left from socialdemocrats. It took almost decade before I joined to Left Alliance political party. That happend after chair(wo)man Suvi-Anne I-was-never-anykind-of-socialist Siimes leaved her position in lead of party, and after that party lauched campaing punaisenpi - redder. All this years I spend time to learn about USSR and its failures (but also, that it was not only failures), and after learning enough about failures and reasons for them, and having kind vision how to avoid them, how to start to create utopia, earlier in this year, I decided to declare my self again as communist. Im never followed by great leaders or docrines, but acting by my self (no-one never turned me to leftist - it was my own decisio - I never even talked about it with anyone, before I decided it). I appreciate some old leftists, like Lenin, Trotsky and Castro, or new ones like Evo Morales and Jose Mujica, but no one is perfect in my eyes (its part to be human to be inperfect).
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 22:35:57 +0000

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