I never realized how much of an emotional roller coaster pursuing - TopicsExpress


I never realized how much of an emotional roller coaster pursuing something you love could be. As I get my feet more wet with things Ive never done, Ive found its been easy to feel like a little fish in a big pond and get discouraged with the creative process as a whole. Being able to go from one creative process in music to another in graphics is something that really has helped me overcome these obstacles and imaginative plateaus. As I work through my own development as an artist with these different mediums Im starting to learn what I really want this project to become. Up until this point any releases have been sporadic and open to the public to see my progress on all fronts, both music and visual arts. Ive been more in tune with giving others brief representations of a certain mood Im creating in, or a sound thats caught my ear recently. Ive also loved sharing new pieces out of excitement in my own development. Im confident in where my vision with these different mediums is going and the potential each have. With that being said, Im excited to start morphing Artifakts into a more well rounded showcase of art. I value every aspect of any piece of art, be it a cd insert or accompanying notes for a piece. Within these next few months, years, and however far this project takes me, Ill be focusing on tapering off of that sporadic, real time release and crafting something all of you can enjoy as a whole, from accompanying art to the sounds that represent it. These different fronts will be coming more together in the near future and, in turn, making Artifakts somewhat of an encompassing term for what Im doing, from production showcasing, to DJ sets, to visual art. This past fall I embarked on a project to fund a vinyl release, entitled Thanxiety to give you a short glimpse of this vision. This is a small collection of vinyl sample laden beats that I felt would be a great insight into this project, to be released on a 10 vinyl record. Unfortunately, like the small fish I learned I still am, I wasnt prepared for the process of releasing in that medium. Samples needed clearing, music needs proper mastering for vinyl, and it all needs to be presented to represent where this project is and where Im at properly. I was mislead by a few, along with my own beliefs that this would be a simple task. It wasnt. Thank you to those that helped fund this project. Unfortunately, I dont foresee legally releasing this music anytime soon in that medium. What I can do, is create something that can (and will) be released to you in any medium desired with what Ive learned, both in craft, and in the process of releasing music. I have all of the orders documented for those that helped fund this goal. In the next few months I can personally refund for this project, or if you still would like to commit your time and senses to it, it will get carried over unto my first official release (not ‘Thanxiety’), all perks remaining for those contributing. As much as Id love to, I can’t give a timeframe for my first release, as I can’t know exactly when I’ll be happy with what I’ve created and what you’re getting. As far as the Thanxiety project goes, it will (digitally) land in the hands of a few close friends. If youd like it, itll be out there. I dont really have a grande scheme of things or deeper motive than to make a moment someone else can enjoy and if Im lucky, remember. Thank you guys for helping make all of this happen and being so receptive so far. This has all brought upon some amazing personal experiences for me and I cant wait to help share those with you. If youd ever like to know more, learn more about whats going on or just get more insight into where Im at, ask. Friends are better than fans. For now, its back to creating in every way I can. garret
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:06:47 +0000

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