I often muse about the absolutes in life as well as create axioms - TopicsExpress


I often muse about the absolutes in life as well as create axioms for defining not just cause and effect but social interaction. This becomes both easier and more accurate based on the level of conditioning a population has been subjected to. I know, people like to think they are too smart to be conditioned, that in itself is a conditioned response. It assures that writers like me are referred as ‘Conspiracy cranks’ or as I prefer; ‘Reynolds Wrappers’. Yes, everyone is too smart to fall prey to conditioning, right? Let’s see then if that is the case, okay? These are just random everyday questions but be honest about how and why you answer them. How are you? What’s up? Do you lie? Not very scientific, unless you honest with yourself but by in large the answers most gave are: “Fine’, ‘nothing’ and ‘no’. The interesting part is you didn’t even think before giving that answers as you’ve been conditioned to hearing the phrases so much, in the case of the first two questions, most people respond automatically. Both queries being reduced to a platitude of habitual comfort, the questioner really doesn’t want an answer and in most cases the answerer has no desire to answer or elaborate. The status of the two interacting subjects is irrelevant and oddly enough when observing the occurrence, the same queries of often repeated with a different structure, should the speakers be close. The point being not that both have been delegated by slang into a customary salutation but rather they are questions that we are conditioned to ask and conditioned to respond to without a relevant answer. Why ask the question if you really desire no reply? Rhetorical redundancy is a fascinating paradox in human communication but the third question is a paradox that all of us negate with rationalization and justification. See when you answer ‘no’ to question three, your in fact lying. If you watch the TV show ‘House’ you know by now, everyone lies. Even the sweetest and kindest person you might know has in an effort to protect someone’s feelings, has augmented the truth or neglected to include details that would reveal the truth to the listener. Knowingly omitting details to a question is still a lie; Mr. Spock. (It is an obscure, reference from an old Star Trek, movie only relevant and perhaps funny for nerds.) The pitfall here is again, people like to think they are too smart to be ‘conditioned’ and based within these questions you can either see that you are or you will vehemently deny, that you are conditioned now, exposing the true depth of your conditioning. “You can’t take a stupid ‘habit’ of people and say that is proof of ‘conditioning!” Oh really? Well smoking is a ‘habit’ that requires conditioning, learned behavior and narcotic addiction to manifest itself in individuals. A habit, bad or good is a result of conditioning. Now, I could care less if you decide or not to take this seriously as I’m all about free will. I am not going to use ‘word play’ or subliminal tactics to make you see what I’m saying, the above is just me showing you, we are all ‘conditioned’ to some degree or another. I figure if you’re reading my stuff, you’re less so but then I have many folks that loathe me too reading what I write. Perhaps if they decide to be ‘honest’ with themselves, they too will see, not all is as they are told by the TV. Right now at this moment the most important organ you have, is your brain. We have an election coming up quick and there are far too many that are ‘conditioned’ to think that elections don’t matter. I want top prove them wrong; moreover I want you to prove them wrong and perhaps even help break this conditioning or habit of not voting. There is a huge list of worthless incumbents, we all know who they are and if you don’t, I’m working on a short dossier on each of them to confirm to everyone, why they should no longer be in office. All you have to do is vote them out. At this juncture America needs term limits; we don’t have them so it is by the vote, that the American public can enforce term limits on the leaches in the Hill. This is Bipartisan and requires nothing more than a desire to axe the idiots from our government. I’m not telling you who to vote for but I am asking you not to vote for the incumbents that have been working the system of more that 3 terms. Let’s enforce a term limit by our vote America and send a message to DC, we the people have had enough of their games and gains at our expense.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:43:32 +0000

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