I once again want to thank you all for the support, tweets and - TopicsExpress


I once again want to thank you all for the support, tweets and shares during my week in Facebook jail. This was my third time being blocked out of my account by Facebook and in all three instances it was because of content that a Muslim could say was offensive to Islam. Whats worse about this particular block is that Facebook actually threatened to delete pages that I admin. This takes their threat against free speech to a whole new level and shows that Facebook is in place in many ways to control global narratives. Facebook has hundreds of millions of users who spend countless hours on their pages each day. If FB can control what content is injected into feeds and block content it doesnt agree with, it can essentially dictate what version of perceived reality that society as a whole consumes. I want to state for the record that I do not believe free speech is a right when it comes to our Facebook profiles. Facebook is a company and can run its business however it chooses. Just as I ban and delete a lot of comments and people from my page when they go too far. My doing so in no way limits your free speech rights. I do so on my personal fan page that you choose to participate in. That said, where Facebook runs into free speech trouble is when its CEO goes out in public, pounds his chest and claims his social network is all about free speech and the ability to share opinions without being censored. And in my case this has been shown to be a flat out lie. In any event, I do very much appreciate all the support and want to let you know I plan to continue using this page of 40,000+ patriots the same way I always have. I wont change a thing. And I hope you all like what I share because Im going to keep sharing it! -Eric
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:11:14 +0000

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