I once believed that war was an evil means that the control freaks - TopicsExpress


I once believed that war was an evil means that the control freaks used to achieve evil ends (conquering territory, stealing resources, etc.). It took me a long time to realize that war WAS the goal. Yes, they like the money and resources and stuff, but the MAIN purpose of military action is war FOR ITS OWN SAKE. The real goal in Vietnam, for example, was not to defeat communism (as if you can blow up an idea), or to spread democracy (as if its worth spreading), or even to control territory. The main purpose was to HAVE A WAR, because having a war usually dupes the people into being obedient subjects, more eager to cough up the fruits of their labor, and more unquestioningly loyal to their owners. If you want productive, compliant slaves, nationalism and patriotism are your best friend. Trouble is, the parasites botched it up so badly that Vietnam became one of the biggest mistakes the U.S. tyrants have ever made, causing a huge backlash, and contributing to a LOT of anti-authoritarian thinking (which is awesome). But here is the creepy, profoundly evil part: those in power (in any country) need their OWN soldiers suffering and dying, they WANT those images of coffins under U.S. flags, they WANT Americans crying over bodybags, just enough to trigger sadness and rage in the human livestock, to overcome whatever rational objections people might otherwise have to funding and condoning the perpetual war which empowers and enriches the ruling class. So if youre a soldier, you ought to know that the people who send you into battle not only dont give a crap about you, they WANT you to die--or better yet, be captured and tortured--because being able to show that to your fellow slaves serves their agenda. Now, if too MANY of their mercenaries die, then the livestock get upset. But if too FEW die, the livestock doesnt even pay attention. So the tyrant wants just the right amount of his own subjects suffering and dying (and killing the pawns on the other side, of course) to keep pack-mentality nationalism going strong in the minds of his slaves, so they take PRIDE in being part of that pack, and so they dont recognize who their true enemy is. Yes, some in power really are that freaking evil. When you come to grips with that, a LOT more of history and current events makes sense. For example, the Pentagon Papers show that U.S. intelligence (dont snicker too much at that term) KNEW the war in Vietnam would never be won. So why did they continue? Because WINNING the war wasnt the goal; HAVING a war was the goal. (P.S. If anyone is wondering why Benjamin the Nutty Yahoo (Netanyahu) doesnt just blow Gaza off the map entirely, THAT is why: because what he WANTS is perpetual war, and you need to keep having an enemy in order to do that.)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:07:28 +0000

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