I personally did not want to comment about the Presidents recent - TopicsExpress


I personally did not want to comment about the Presidents recent outburst on public service workers sacrificing 2% of their salary for the establishment of Mini health care facilities in rural areas. You see, after a few days of celebrating his birthday, i taught he would be more quiet, sober and reflective of how to propel the nation forward with God in the driving seat. Little did i know that my own JDM would create controversy with his utterances. Firstly, i still stand by my assertion that my president is inconsistent and indecisive. At one point, hes making this statement, at another point, saying the opposite. I remember when he was campaigning for power, all what he was telling electorates was offering them a better life and a better Ghana. He never made mention about sacrifices of salary cuts, Ghanaians talking too much and asking us to leave the country if the kitchen is too hot for us. He was all hail and hearty canvassing for votes from left, right and centre. He was short sighted and did not fathom that the things he promised us cannot be achieved on a silver platter. Now to the substantive issues; What is the president telling workers? That even though he is not giving them what they are due, they should follow his sacrifice and also sacrifice 2% of their salaries for what he presumes as a worthy course? I have begging questions that deserves answers. Have the president and other government appointees ever been deprived of all allowances, per diems, and other fringe benefits due them ever since they took over the political realms of power? How much do those political appointees make as salaries? Were they paying for all those sky rocketing utility tariffs? Dont they have free access to state vehicles, fuel and other state apparatus? You see, i detest the hypocrisy with which humans in general try to portray when that is not the true situation on the ground. He is creating a mountain out of the very little sacrifice hes done making workers feel they are not doing enough. I will continue to salute Ghanaian workers i.e. teachers, doctors, nurses, farmers, public servants etc. They go through perilous times to get their jobs done. Some are sent to rural rural areas where all hope is lost but they thrive in all kinds of uncomfortable conditions to make things work. Which minister would accept to be posted to a very remote area with no electricity, water and other basic amenities to run his or her ministry from there? All these begging questions needs answers. If the President want Ghanaians to sacrifice genuinely, then he needs to do massive house cleaning. He should start putting in place stringent measures that will curtail indiscriminate wastage in the system. Shutting down his central air condition and fixing prepaid meters in ministries, departments and agencies is not enough. Just giving directives that will not be followed is also not enough. Looking on while individuals and companies defraud the state with what i describe as daylight robbery is also not good enough, introducing new and high taxes and levies to rake in more revenue for personal pockets is also not good enough. The institutions and entire system must work to ensure the smooth running of government business. Ghanaians have come of age and will continue to talk if things are not done right. So if the number one gentleman of the land will keep bemoaning about our agitations, then he will be wasting his time. He should rather channel his energy into getting things done the right way. Ghanaians abr3! They want to see that BETTER GHANA promised. We even deserve the BEST GHANA!!!All for God and Country. God bless Gh.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:10:02 +0000

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