I posted this on another forum but wanted to make people aware of - TopicsExpress


I posted this on another forum but wanted to make people aware of what I am working on. A database to be used in the analysis of Idiopathic Epilepsy in vizslas. If you would like to participate please email me @ vizslaepilepsy@gmail After a conversation I just wanted to clear a few things up as it has been a several year conversation that others may have only caught part of. I am currently collecting data on seizing vizslas of unknown origin in hopes of EVENTUALLY establishing a pattern leading to a model that uses statistical analysis to predict possible frequencies in future breeding. I am not a statistician or geneticist but have spoke with both and lined up future collaborations with professors that work in this field to take the data collected and be given to students as a senior/grad student research project. Is their a guarantee that this route will come up with a solution? No but it has in the past been able to reliable be used to predict other inherited traits in many aspects of animal breeding. What are the basic steps? First and foremost is data collection. For this to work just like the genetics marker study we need participation. The difference is we dont need tissue samples so we can use include animals that are no longer with us. Second is to analyze the data and see if a mode of inheritance can be established. The current mode of inheritance from similar analysis is currently believed to be autosomal recessive but polygenic recessive can not be rules out. More available data should hopefully give us a clearer picture. 3rd after this has been determined a model can be determined and tested against known breedings that have already been done to determine accuracy. How close am I? A LONG ways away. I am still in data collection stage and as with the study at uminn I am lacking the submissions needed to be anywhere near a working model. If you have enough information is it guaranteed to work? No but it is likely depending on the mode of inheritance that a model can be developed according to the experts I have spoke with. So will this exclude any dog that has A seizure disorder in it line from being bred? No. It is my belief that because we dont have a genetic marker or a reliable prediction model that we need to exclude any dog that is closely related to an affected dog if we want to try and eliminate the frequency of IE. Making some assumptions based on the current research a working model might be able to include more dogs for breeding because certain breedings will show less risk Of passing on the genes. What are your thoughts about the success of this project? I am hopeful but believe the current climate and stigma about IE will limit the most important part of the study which is the collection of reliable data. Will this be made public if I submit my dog? Submissions will only be made public as part of a working model in use of a predictive analysis. What if I want the information public? I believe until we have a marker or a working model that our best chances of making an informed breeding decision is by knowing where the current affected dogs are and to not repeat breeding of similarly related dogs. As Dr Patterson suggested we do an depth and breadth analysis and breed to the healthiest dogs. With your submissions I ask if you want the dog you owned made public. If so I will share that information only with breeders that inquire about a possible mating. If that dog is marked as public in the database. I however personally encourage an open database like the current vizsla database to collect and share this information. Only because of the stigma surround ie I have decided not to make the database in and of itself public but hope to see this pursed in a different manor. How can I submit information? Email vizslaepilepsy@gmail please include the dogs AKC registration number, pedigree, diagnosis if IE or what other seizure reasons were ruled out. Your name and contact info so I can verify ownership of the dog. Whether or not it can be included in the public breeder inquiry. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Is this the answer? We wont know until we try.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:54:28 +0000

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