I pray throughout the day, all the time, every chance I get. Im - TopicsExpress


I pray throughout the day, all the time, every chance I get. Im constantly talking and thinking in my mind. I speak to God and I speak to Pee Wee. Its a second nature process to me and sometimes I dont think I even differentiate the two. With that being said, I believe in divine intervention. Its happen to me too often & at the right times for me not to notice. And really, its affirmation that Im on the right track. Heres why... Back in December 2013, I prayed for change and told The Lord that I would follow his lead, no questions asked, no doubts. I was already interested in moving to Vegas and I really wanted to be closer to my SoCal family. Not even a month later my position here in Vegas opened up and I was able to transfer down here. Getting here was a process. Its still a process. I am partially scattered between 3 different homes and there are days that I regret it. And just as quick as those thoughts enter my mind I have to push them out. I am reminded that we grow when we are outside of our comfort zone. And I, more than anything, needed to grow. Fast forward 7 months. Unbeknownst to me, I was delaying the inevitable. I was approached on more than one occasion to attend a meeting with a friend and her husband. Life was taking me all over the place and I didnt follow through on those meetings. I was at a point where I could NOT commit to one more thing. IT just wasnt going to happen. My friend believed in me and waited patiently in the shadows. Along with the accident this summer came unexpected expenses. Add that on top of another disaster I was dealing with and I was ready to throw in the towel. Of course I prayed and I could hear Pee telling me, This ones on you. YOU have to make it happen. I knew what he was saying and why, he was right. My biggest question was HOW? How was I going to fix this? No sooner had I asked the question, my friend invited me to another meeting; this time I went. My first meeting was incredible. When you walk into a room full of people who have excitement dancing in their eyes, it draws you in. They had my attention now. The energy in the room, the sincerity in the words and the glimmer of hope roped me in. Here was another opportunity and it was sent for ME to receive. Before I knew it, I was enrolled in class and attending another meeting, a convention and taking the State test! Now Im starting to feel scared. Ive got to learn and become good at something I dont know much about. And its only the beginning. Great! *Sighs* The night I passed the final exam for the class I left school feeling pretty good. It was a rough week and I was ready to move forward. I stopped on my way home to get something to drink and as soon as I stepped out of the car theres was a penny laying on the ground. I picked it up and looked to the sky while I said, Thank you Pee Wee. Walked inside to get some ice water and I find 2 more pennies by the cash register. I looked up and smiled and said, I get it, I get it. Thank you Pee. To me, that was a sign. Those coins were there for me to find. As big and crazy as Vegas is I never expected to find another coin and of course, Pees proved me wrong. AGAIN! There are many times Ive wanted to give up and go back to Reno. I have 2 homes there, friends, family and its whats familiar. Its not where my heart is though. Im loving Vegas! Knowing that Im in a city full of life and culture is amazing. Yes theres traffic and it gets hot in the summer but Id trade that alone to get out of the winters in Reno. The opportunities here are endless, especially with this new business Im getting into. I know there are going to be growing pains and I can handle it. With an Angel by my side, who cares what the struggles going to be. It wont last for long, I know that! My next goal is near. Its in sight and its exciting. If theres anything youd like to learn about Life Insurance, give me a call. If youre looking to earn some extra money, let me know. I wont have all the answers the first time around but Ive got some great mentors who are available to help. Helping people has been my passion my whole life. And to be able to help one of you would be an honor. Aim High & Be Blessed!!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:50:41 +0000

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