I really hope this comes across right. Tonight a story broke on - TopicsExpress


I really hope this comes across right. Tonight a story broke on channel 9 news world first Australian boy first to get artificial Pancreas This is a big misrepresentation by the media, but I guess they need to get the viewers so headlines like this really work. What the real story is, is this boy has the new Medtronic insulin pump. It has an I build cgm, and IF a cgm sensor is being used the pump can predict if the blood glucose will go below a set threshold and suspend insulin delivery. His parents still need to do 8-10 finger pricks a day, make judgement calls on the impact of activity and carbs eaten and stress, excitement. These decisions are made every hour of every day. And the suspend feature is only good if the patient or his/her family have the $6000-$8000 per year to find the sensors. There still remains NO FUNDING for continuous Glucose Monitoring in Australia. A pancreas has 2 functions. It secrets insulin and glucagon and secrets digestive enzymes that allow us to absorb the fats and nutrients required to grow and thrive. This pump only delivers Insulin Also a pancreas transplant not only has never been done on a child in Australia ever but a transplant if the pancreas can only restore insulin function. I wish the media would do proper research :(
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:14:54 +0000

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