“I really miss going to a real church” Rev. Kenneth Chin - TopicsExpress


“I really miss going to a real church” Rev. Kenneth Chin resumed his sermons about The Vision of church with the sentence above. You may or may not have heard those words uttered before and started wondering what a “real church” looks like. What is church to you? While common perception pictures it as a huge building, filled with many people, pretty lights and a rocking band, Rev Kenneth stresses that Church was and still is Gods idea to carry out the world-changing ministry and mission of Christ our Saviour. Matthew 8:19-20 goes deper and defines church as a community of believers. Rev Kenneth painted an idea of what church is - church is the fellowship between followers of Christ and their immediate community. Church happens when 2 more Christians come together, no matter where they are. In essence, church is living the life of Christ, and building up each other. Acts Church has always aimed to emulate the church in the book of Acts, based on scripture from Acts 2:42 – 47, a chapter aptly named “The Fellowship of the Believers”. In this chapter, the church of Acts was known for togetherness. They were so united, that even the non-believers gravitated toward them. They were not an impersonal church of many faces. Rather, they were a close knit community that held a common interest in Jesus. A Community = Comm(on) Unity, drawn together by faith, hope and life. Church is a community with a common intent to grow in faith, hope and love while walking in the oneness in Following Jesus, of Fellowship, Forgiveness, Fervent Prayer, Fearing the Lord and being Fishers of men.” Church is a community, and community is about blessing and making a difference for one another. In Acts 4:32-35 the believers were of one heart and one mind; they shared their fortunes, troubles and looked out for one another. So again, “What is Church” for you? Is it still a white-washed building, pretty lights and a rocking band? For us, the family of Acts Church, it’s People, Personal Relationships and the Presence of God. We choose to have Community, not Cliques. We do not just worship in a temple, but we do life house to house as well. Church isnt just a building, or a band, or a pastor. Church is you. You are church #URchURchURchUR #thisischurch #Actsperience #smallisbig #churchiscommunity #antsnotelephants #disciplesnotdependants #movementnotmonument #housetohousenotjusttemple
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 05:57:30 +0000

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