I really need my fellow autism moms right now. I am trying to calm - TopicsExpress


I really need my fellow autism moms right now. I am trying to calm down with a Koko Brown Kona and two warm bodies snuggled in beside me. Knowing you are out there for me, too is a blessing. The expression mean people suck fits, but is not too comforting right now honestly. I am almost convulsing with the mental torture of why certain individuals simply do not know wrong from right. It had been a wonderful weekend, the communal, accepting spirit of Autism Speaks The Lion King- joyous, so beautiful that tears sat in my eyes throughout. It was like our Mount Zion church during the civil rights era-our shelter from the storm, the music feeding our souls and soothing our spirits.Inside we were all safe from the glares, the stares, the judgmental. Next day as I could not grant Liams request of Africa please, we settled for a jaunt to the Southwick Zoo. Aidan busy with Aunty learning to ride a bike,it was me and my animal loving Buddha boy. Again, lovely everything....Liams squeals of delight met with smiles and acceptance. Holiday Monday, warm Indian summer, golden foliage...Liam wants a drive to a farm, more animals please...Aidan getting the bike thing down and thrilled with himself...off Buddha boy and I go to Stirling, Massachusetts. Davis Farm. BAD IDEA. Liam is moving fast, so thrilled to be there....the girl is putting a bracelet on him when a voice says he is too big to come in...too big? or too autistic? Larry Davis OWNER (978 422 6666) states he decides who and who cannot enter his farm...we have to protect our customers he states....ok buddy you just totally pissed off autism warrior mom...I AM SEEING RED. see the animals please Liam sweetly intones. The man steps in his way....I am starting to see Bull Conner come back to life. Gonna hit him with a fire hose next Mr. Davis?????? Yes America we have peckerwoods in central Massachusetts. Toto we are not in Cambridge anymore.....An orthodox Jewish family steps to our aid questioning him on this rather rash policy...I own this farm and I decide who comes in.....visions of the Nuremburg laws fill my head.... Am I still in America? Is this 2014? One in 68 kids and idiots like this still have no compassion????? Maya Angelous voice whispered in my ear...Try to be a rainbow in someones cloud, she said. I looked at Liam and said time to go to a farm where your presence will be a gift, Kimballs is still open. I walked away and let Mr. Davis know I was going to get on my knees and thank the almighty I was not his daughter,wife, mother or someone that would ever have to see him again. Got in the car and left a message for the Mass. Disability Commission. I may never have to see him but that doesnt mean I cant let the world know what he did. Prejudice sucks,truly.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:37:24 +0000

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