I really value healers. The ones who truly facilitate healing. - TopicsExpress


I really value healers. The ones who truly facilitate healing. The ones who can tap into heart space when going forth with their advice or knowledge or diagnosis. But I have felt, more often, that many people who operate in the name of healing do so from a place of the ego. A place of, I know it all and Im here to tell you. And that, quite frankly, does not FEEL GOOD. And what doesnt feel good... doesnt heal. Yesterday at the Chiang Mai farmers market, I walked up to a man selling drinks of all sorts: medicinal teas, fermented beverages, wild greens, mushroom drinks typa thing. I was just browsing, impressed at first, and then he immediately said to me, You should get xx one. You have kidney problems. You drink too much coffee! According to face mapping, and TCM, the face tells a lot about the body, which I am one to believe. But not in all cases. . Excuse me mister, I havent drank a sip of coffee in yeaaaaars. And he barely looked at me, he knows nothing about my story, my true internal health, what I do currently to take care of my body, and how far I have come in my health journey. Look at that judgement there! Its so sad. Because he probably is filled with fancy knowledge and yet his heart is hidden away in confrontation, and so no healing could possibly take place. After years and years of visiting doctors, acupuncturists, health coaches, skin professionals, naturopaths, massage therapists you name it:: I understand deeply how to be with a person in the name of health. In my opinion, a diagnosis never works. It scares the mind. It makes the mind analyze and criticize. What? I have a kidney problem? I will focus all of my energy now on that. Its how the mind works! When I talk to people, friends, clients about their health, its always in a more positive and uplifting manner, in a way that ego and left brain doesnt point fingers. In a way that leaves judgement way aside, going deeper to the core of a person, where things manifest in the first place. Being careful of what lies underneath and what the mind could store via interaction and words and transfer of energy. But Im curious::: and I think its a really important discussion to be had- Have you experienced any of this? Walking out of a doctors appointment feeling worse than when you walked in? Random people out in the world who think they know you and your story without you saying a thing? Judgement from a person in the health industry? What do you think? What have you experienced in all of this?
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:28:18 +0000

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