I receive Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter’s flashy - TopicsExpress


I receive Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter’s flashy taxpayer-funded e-newsletters in my email inbox. I get her expensive taxpayer-funded mailers in my mailbox. I even have to listen to her justifying her near perfect voting record with Nancy Pelosi in my newspaper while on the taxpayer’s dime. However, I, a taxpayer, have not received a single invitation to attend a town-hall meeting with Congresswoman Shea-Porter to discuss problems and concerns I have. Not one. I remember when Carol Shea-Porter was just another extreme liberal activist who attended former Congresswoman Jeb Bradley’s town hall meetings and was even escorted out of a town-hall meeting with former President George Bush for protesting inside the forum. While she had no problem attending those events, now that she is a Member of Congress, she refuses to hold them. That’s not just hypocritical, it is wrong. As taxpayers who pay her salary, we deserve town hall meetings to tell her what we think she is doing wrong on Capitol Hill. Randy Pierce, East Wakefield
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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