I received Colonel Fletcher Proutys JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and - TopicsExpress


I received Colonel Fletcher Proutys JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy in the mail some months ago. Here are some intriguing claims from the Preface to his book, which asserts that the CIA was in part to blame for JFKs assassination because of his (JFKs) stated intent to withdraw all U.S. advisers in South Viet Nam by 1965. With that tragic event nearly fifty years in our collective past, Col. Proutys conspiracy theory raises again the reminder that citizens of this country are far from having reached an adequate explanation that would bring closure to it. How many of us realize that back in November 1943, when Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met in Cairo with Chiang Kai-shek, they were not only making plans for victory over the Axis powers in Europe, they were laying the groundwork for a follow-on period of warfare in eastern Asia, in Indochina (1945), Korea (1950), and Indonesia (1958) following the defeat of Japan? Few historians seem to recall that also in Cairo was Chiang Kai-sheks wife Mei-Ling, the American-educated sister of T.V. Soong, then the wealthiest man in the world, and she actually took part in the work of the conference along with activities of T.V. Soongs Chinese delegates, who were Chiangs advisors. Even more importantly, after these delegates of Chiang Kai-shek and T.V. Soong had actively participated in Cairo in the planning for the post-World War II activities in the Far East, they flew on to Teheran, for that historic conference with Stalin. The fact that immediately following the Cairo Conference the Chinese delegation was in Teheran for that meeting with Josef Stalin has not been recorded in the history books of that era. This is a most important omission. I was pilot of the plane that flew them there from Cairo. During the sometimes heated exchanges between Roosevelt and Churchill on the subject of the end of colonialism in Southeast Asia, plans were made by all four conferees for a period of continuing warfare in Indochina, Korea, and Indonesia under the guise of that Cold War cover story. In fact, Ho Chi Minh, with an American OSS man and U.S. Army general standing on each side of him, declared the Independence of Indochina on the same date - September 2, 1945 - of the Japanese surrender. That date marks the beginning of the three decades of the the Vietnam War, as it was called. But the Cold War actually began even earlier while World War II was still being fought against the Axis powers. (pp. xxvii-xxix). . . . Furthermore, the series of so-called wars since 1945 were never fought to achieve victory. They were waged for dollars, without a true military objective, under the control of civilian leaders, with the generals in a supernumerary role. In fact, the first twenty years of our desperate struggle in Indochina were fought under the operational control of agents of either the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) or the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) first assisting Ho Chi Minh to establish the independence of Vietnam, and later, when U.S. policy swung around in alignment with the Cold War, to support the French. The few bona fide U.S. Armed Forces generals who were in Vietnam were limited to managing supporting activities, and none of them, at any time, ever served in direct command of combat operation in Indochina. There was always an ambassador, and frequently a CIA agent - under the cover of a general - or both in superior position. Such is the nature of these new, limited, make money wars. (pp. xxv.) Col. Prouty continues: Because of the strategy that continued the moneymaking aspect of warfare and the dilemma created by the advent of the nuclear weapon, no single event of that thirty-year period has been a more serious indictment of the condition of our present government, of our media, and of those of the lawyer-capitalist system, who are in control of both, than the enormity of the cover story fabrication about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This situation has prevailed for the past three decades . . . plus. The reason why it has been possible to maintain this enormous cover story for decades is that the greater crime committed on November 22, 1963 was that of the coup detat of the government of the United States. The conspirators took control. (p. xxv.) And again, There is, in Lord Dennings book, The Family Story, a most pertinent reference to the words of Winston Churchill, during a heavy bomber attack on Rotterdam during World War II. Denning reports that Churchill, during a conversation among friends, made reference to a High Cabal that has made us what we are. In that sense, Churchills High Cabal equates with (Buckminster) Fullers invisible power structure. For a man in Churchills position, and at the war-time peak of his public career, to make reference to a high, or higher, cabal defines the subject. We live under the influence of such a cabal today, whether we realize it or not. (p. xxiii.)
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:24:46 +0000

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